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Reply From Plaid Cymru Regarding Drug Policy.


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Hold on, maybe this isn't such a good idea!

Could rebuild Offa's Dyke

Could we get an EU grant for that?!

I've got a towable digger


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Hold on, maybe this isn't such a good idea!

Could rebuild Offa's Dyke

Could we get an EU grant for that?!

I've got a towable digger


I got a 12x6 trailer, Ifor Williams no less... :wink:

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The reply you've received there Taffy is a load of bollocks in my ever so humble opinion :)

Plaid Cymru supports the decriminalisation of cannabis where appropriate – for example, the decriminalisation of minor offences such as possession of cannabis for personal use.

That's very good of you Plaid,but what in your view is "appropriate" ? What in your opinion constitutes a "minor offence" ? Possession of 1.75g of cannabis ? 3.5g ? 7 g? 14 g? etc,etc. Furthermore,where does Plaid stand on the cultivation and production of cannabis for personal use ?

Plaid knows that drug abuse is more than just about injecting, inhaling or swallowing a chemical substance. It is very often a complicated result of childhood sexual, physical or mental abuse, extreme poverty, lack of skills, miscarriage, death and crime, to name a few.

Is it Plaid's view that any usage of 'Drugs' is necessarily "abuse" ? With regards to a substance which alters mental fuctioning,be it alcohol,cannabis,cocaine or whatever,is Plaid unable to differentiate between "use" and "abuse" ?

Many users are chaotic and therefore unable to hold down a job, and consequently in receipt of benefits, while many commit some form of crime to fund their habit.

Users of what exactly ? Is it Plaid's view that any drug use is chaotic ? Is it therefore Plaid's view that drug users,in the main,are unable to hold down a job, are in receipt of benefits and are comitting crime to "fund their habit" ?

And I can't be bothered quoting and responding to the rest of that letter,but it's typical political rhetoric which fundamentally supports the exsisting policies of prohibition.

There's only one Politician in Wales who knows what's what,and that's Paul Flynn.

Next time you write to Plaid Taffy,ask them if Elfyn LLwyd would like his daughter and his son in law's careers to be destroyed by a drug prosecution and/or conviction,cos they both smoke and snort - and that's a fact !! ;)

Edited by Twenty Three
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The reply you've received there Taffy is a load of bollocks in my ever so humble opinion :)

There's only one Politician in Wales who knows what's what,and that's Paul Flynn.

Next time you write to Plaid Taffy,ask them if Elfyn LLwyd would like his daughter and his son in law's careers to be destroyed by a drug prosecution and/or conviction,cos they both smoke and snort - and that's a fact !! ;)

Your opinion Twenty Three is always valued in this house mate.

Paul Flynn does tell it as it is, he was really good at that recent committee meeting with brokenshire the other month...

I know about that funnily enough, I met a mate of an old mate from Bethesda at court last friday, he said almost the same thing!


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I never realised how many fellow taffs there were on the boards.....happy days!

Thanx for postin Taff might have to give some thought to voting plaid next time round!

Imm really liking the idea of wales becoming the next canna mecca! Lets go ta the dam boys! Nah fuck that we'll just go cardiff ini!

ATB all


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I'm afraid I share 23's pessimism and have to agree.

It's great you wrote in the first place mate - plenty of people don't even take that step (myself included). Although he replied and even acknowledged the obvious that the war on drugs is futile, he seems to believe drug users are incable of living 'normal' lives, drugs themselves are nothing but a problem and the only solution is treatment programmes, rehabilitation and abstinence. Having the support and the resources available would be brilliant for those that want to kick whichever drug they are taking, but what about us who don’t want to quit?

Decriminalising possession of insignificant amounts is a good idea, but it does not deal with the black market supply and all the dangers that prohibition creates IE contaminated, unknown product and funding further criminal activities, and doesn’t harbour the tax that could help fund those treatment programmes and so much more.

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TY nobody, so without England voting for these guys they'll never get in to like PM type position then? Still confused, would understand if welsh had separate PM and shit but they don't...

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same old political retoric ,i'll gladly pay u tuesday for a hamburger today ,, why not start to charge for water from wales, they like it in surrey and i belive the french get a bit too from severn trent, must be good stuff maybe we could charge top dollar and make a quid or two for britains poor cousin, oh no we cant thats already being done by our english water barron masters *who like to keep the profit for themself's,,,

Plaid Cymru- shower of shit .

ps this is my veiw of all political parties.water meater anyone,lol

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I think Twenty Three has hit the nail on the proverbial..

I can't argue with that Arnnie, thing is if we don't start to engage it will be left to the peter reynolds of this world....

And we don't want that do we!

Sent another e-mail to her asking for clarification on their policy towards people who grow Cannabis for personal use...


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TY nobody, so without England voting for these guys they'll never get in to like PM type position then? Still confused, would understand if welsh had separate PM and shit but they don't...

Ok, best analogy I could think of. We're like a school student council who are elected to make decisions but aren't trusted with any really big decisions, that's still up to the school. So we have been allowed to make prescriptions free in Wales but we can't decide our own drug policy or taxation. We recently had a vote to give slightly more power but ultimately not a lot. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but to be honest, it was rushed and poorly expained.

I'm not sure I trust plaid but then they are rapidly becoming a definite possibility, lol. I'm wenglish though (was born here but my folks are English but I do speak welsh) And find them a little nationalistic.

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You can't trust the fuckers, they are politicians.

Like the LibDems, Plaid were much more enthusiastic about legalisation when they were further from office, like back in 2001. Elfyn Llwyd is also mentioned (!).

Plaid adopt 'legalise cannabis policy'

Plaid Cymru today overhauled its drugs policy and called for the decriminalisation of cannabis - against the wishes of its own leadership.

The Welsh nationalists' annual conference voted in favour of decriminalising the use of cannabis for recreational and medicinal purposes - defying the party leadership which warned against the move.

Under the policy, the drug would be available legally only from registered licensed premises.

Delegates also backed calls for a major public awareness campaign about the dangers of cannabis use.

The party wants cannabis decriminalised for medicinal use once ''a sufficient evidence base has proven efficacy and an appropriate treatment protocol developed as a model''.

Despite opposition from top ranks of the party, the proposal is now adopted as official party policy.

The party has now ditched its former policy calling for a Royal Commission to examine decriminalisation of the drug - against the advice of its own shadow Welsh health minister Dai Lloyd and its parliamentary leader.

Dr Lloyd, a practising GP, said cannabis causes depression and new evidence suggests it makes users violent.

He said there was no such thing as a soft drug.

The party's parliamentary leader, Elfyn Llwyd, warned smoking cannabis could caused cancer and psychosis.

''I agree with it for medicinal purposes, but for heavens sake unless we know definitely more about the medical problems it will cause we should not lay open our children's future to this extremely dangerous drug,'' he said.

Leading calls for the drug to be decriminalised, delegate Robert Hughes (Merthyr Tydfil) said it was wrong to label cannabis users as criminals. And he said decriminalisation would stop cannabis users mixing with people pushing more dangerous drugs.

It would also enable parents and teachers to talk honestly to children about the harmful drugs ''that blight the lives of our young people''.

He said setting up licensed premises would also attract visitors thereby boosting the tourism industry.


Edited by Laramie
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Not trying to start a shitfest here, but I can't really be excited about any political party with sensible drugs policies. In opposition the Lib Dems paraded themselves as wanting to move to an evidence based policy, with personal possession decriminalised. And we have seen fuck all evidence that they intend to do anything to temper the Tory crackdown. Even my own LibDem parliamentary candidate was forced to admit that their strategy isn't being pushed.

When the Green Party MP was interviewed, last year, she completely skirted the issue of drugs, and refused to endorse her own manifesto (which calls for legalisation of all drugs).

So, fine words from PC, but don't be surprised if they mysteriously forget them if they come anywhere near power.

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I think Twenty Three has hit the nail on the proverbial..

I can't argue with that Arnnie, thing is if we don't start to engage it will be left to the peter reynolds of this world....

And we don't want that do we!

Sent another e-mail to her asking for clarification on their policy towards people who grow Cannabis for personal use...



Go get 'em Taffy mate! You're the man for the job, and no mistake on that front.

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I think Twenty Three has hit the nail on the proverbial..

I can't argue with that Arnnie, thing is if we don't start to engage it will be left to the peter reynolds of this world....

And we don't want that do we!

Sent another e-mail to her asking for clarification on their policy towards people who grow Cannabis for personal use...



Go get 'em Taffy mate! You're the man for the job, and no mistake on that front.

Thanks Arnie, I doubt it will come to anything at all to be honest.


Edited by taffy
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