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K2 or White Rhino?


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Hi everyone

I have recently acquired some White Rhino and K2 seeds, (Thanks Wolf) and i was wondering if anyone had grown them or knows anything more about them than what i can get off the different websites for seeds?

Any information, experience etc would be gladly recieved.

Chip :thumbs:

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High chip,

You'll find a lot of info. at Overgrow.com on these strains, particularly dutchmaster and k2_k's K2 grows: monsters man!

Real Dutch trees :(  -> single plants under 600 Watter's.

All the best,


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sorry chip,

not grown either, I'm sure ther's someone round here who has though. Can't think who just at the minute.

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I think K2 was a favourite of BigDaddyKaned...but I havent come across him on these boards for a long time.

Looks like you'll just have to suck'em an'see :alien:

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High Chip,

I currently have 3 White Rhino Females in day 38 of flowering.

I cant really tell you a vast amount mate as this is my first grow.

I have grown them hydro in pots using rockwool under a 600w grolux,

They have been fed ionic nutes grow & bloom with 2 mil per litre of fulvic gold from flowering in with the bloom feed.

Also they've just finished a course of canna P/K 13/14 in with the nute feed.

I foliar/mist them daily with fulvic gold  5mil per litre of water with some wetting agent.

I have'nt topped them or anything I just wanted to concentrate on growing them mate,

They have been described before like a head on a stick....I would say this is true the cola's are top heavy to say the least...the top 9 inches are pure bud & very wide

Lovely juicy sticky buds .....Their three rooms away & I can smell them from here! :P

Very good looking well sized buds all the way down really & the smallest plant only a little over 3/12 feet tall.

I would say they are easy to grow because I have never grown anything before & apart from my bad back getting in the way they have been a pleasure to grow.

I cant really say much more than that mate,    

I vegged them for four weeks & am flowering them for eight.

Their due for the chop in about a fortnight so i'll take a sample to flashdry & hang the rest & post up when I do if You like.

I also have four nirvana Snow White females  exactly two weeks behind the Rhino that are starting to look really nice.

I am very much looking forward to trying both.

I hope You do really well with Your seeds chip,

Dont know much about the K2,  I'll have to look that one up.

The White Rhino Seeds were given to me free By 'UK420.COM'  & The Snow White Seeds were given to me free by fellow member 'Malachite'.

A Very Big Thank You to both.

Bye for now.

 :peace: ZZ.

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hey zig-zag - long time no see..!

I've got a white rhino going at the moment - also not finished - so I can't comment on the high/taste.

I topped mine - to see how it responded. Nice looking plant - ppurple stems - very dark green leaves - like a heavy indica (reminds me of bubblegum in appearance) - medium vigor and very smelly. All round - a good 'un so far.



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HIGH Zig Zag ;)

Glad to hear everything is swell.

Let me know what the snow whites like won't you bud...


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High HP! :P

I Hope You are well Bud,

The Rhino does look a really nice plant.

How Are You getting on with the warlocks HP ?

I hope there as good as You hoped mate.

:peace: ZZ.

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High Puffer! :)

I hope You are o.k mate. ;)

I will let You Know no probs mate

They've got about 4-5 weeks left now & are looking alright,

A lot lighter in colour & more width than the Rhino,

Cheers Puffer,

:peace: ZZ.

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Thanks for the insight zigzag.

Can you remember the fert regime you have used? Ph, EC, etc. You have also said that you grow in pots with rockwool. Do you use those little cubes of rockwool, or have you cut some slabs to fit? I was thinking about using pots of rockwool to grow these seeds on, as i dont want to put them on a slab and then have to take some off if they are male.

I also use ionic grow, bloom and boost under a 600w planta. Any further insights would be gratefully recieved.

HP and zigzag, do you think it would be better to top them? If the top bud is so phat, maybe it would be better to have 4 smaller ones rather than 1 big 'un? What do you think?



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High Chip,

Once I realised a yellowing leaf problem was my harsh water supply & not nute problems I used 4 mil of grow per litre of water in veg' & a little maxicrop seaweed extract in early veg' & then 5 mil of bloom per litre of water in flower & then 6 mil on the second week & 7 mil on the third week & then 7 mil right up until flushing prior to harvest.

I flushed them with ph adjusted water half way through veg' & have done them twice in flower.

PH for veg' .. 5.7

PH for flower .. 6.2

I have used greenmix/goldenwool as the medium & planted the seeds in inch & half rockwool seedling & cutting blocks & then trasplanted straight into the pots of greenmix where they have lived ever since.

As for the topping chip I have'nt topped mine like I said but  I am glad now because I'm looking at some whopping cola's!

But the plant might do well after topping though so I would wait & see what hemp playboy's opinion is on his plant first mate.

Hope that helps Chip,

:peace: & happy growing brother.


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I can vouch for the beauty of ZZ's babies, having seen them first hand - MMMMMMMMM they look tasty!

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Cheers zigzag

I havent topped any of my plants for years as i grow SOG and i like BIG BUDS/COLAS. So i think i'll stick with the single main head.

How much did the plant stretch once you started flowering?



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High Chip,

The plants grew well from flowering onward but they did'nt really stretch although they grew with vigour they seemed to bush more than stretch.

They are only a small but bushy plant, The smallest a tad over 3 1/2 feet with the cola's  growing up nicely but gathering width more than stretching {very compact} which does look nicer to the eye i think.

I dont know how big the cola's are I'll have to measure em' when the lights come on  :D

later Chip.

:peace: ZZ.

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