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Sticky Fingers?


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Well people, Im fairly new to this so forgive me if you've already discovered this and im just draggin up old useless news! Well, I found it to be a useful discovery so maybe you will too....

So, you're harvesting your crop and, as usual, your fingers get gummed up like a mo fo! Of course you try and salvage as much of the gooey gunk as possible as you go but when you just cant get any more off and your fingers are still sticky and stinky as hell - how the fark asre you supposed to wash that sh!t off? fairy liquid/soap/soap powder - you've tried them all..... now do something that works!!!

Quick and simple as hell..... BABY OIL! aye, cheap as chips baby oil, rub that into your fingertips.... give them a good wee rub, rinse, then wash with soap as usual - takes you all of 30 seconds and no more sticky mitts!

As I say - you might not be interested, but sure as sh!t it works and thats what ill be doing from now on!


TB ;)

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margerine - get a little bit out, and rub it all over your fingers.

The oils in it dissolve the THC and it comes off nice and easy after that ;)

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i use fairy liquid mixed with a bit of sugar , it's like homemade swarfega (industrial stuff for removing oil off hands) ;)

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Latex gloves, never thought of that ;)

I've even got a pack of them for deseeding & chopping chillies ;):wassnnme:

Nice one evoh_1, I know for next time :(

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i like my fingers sticky :wassnnme: keep forgetting to do a couple of ready rolls before i start trimming tho.........

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keep forgetting to do a couple of ready rolls before i start trimming tho.........

Same here mate...end up making a right mess :spliff:

Keep thinking "Must get more latex gloves" but hey....stoners

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if you use latex gloves remember to freeze em after use to get the resin off easier.... ;)

i use a bit of butter then waggle me fingers in some milk,

then i make a hot horlicks with the milk........ :spliff:

i used to use sugar and washing-up liquid but i realised i was washing loads of perfectly good thc away.

if you;ve got nice smooth hands you can make some lovely finger hash,

but if you've got rough hands dont bother,unless you like smoking dead skin... :smoke:

i only tried it once and the smell off burning skin made me ill lol

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if you;ve got nice smooth hands you can make some lovely finger hash,

but if you've got rough hands dont bother,unless you like smoking dead skin... 

i only tried it once and the smell off burning skin made me ill 

Mmmm.....Mmmmmm sounds yummy :spliff:


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Done some more trimming since my last post. Now what I do is before I start trimming I give my hands a really good wash (scrubbing brush the fingers job), then when my fingers get sticky I use the edge of the scissors to scrape off the resin & roll a single skinner, safe in the knowledge that all I'm smoking is hash cos I washed my hands so thoroughly beforehand.

Mmmm, finger hash :notworthy:

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