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Sweets and Treats


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Well it's been a month. I know, I know. It's taken me a month to update the diary and I'm well out of the comp, but fuck it, I'll carry on anyways. :stoned: Due to me being lazy and smoking me last crop, I haven't done any updates. But the interesting bit has started. Thats right, I've switched to 12/12 and we're into flower (4 days in).

So on to a round up of what has happened. The girls were left in the little veg tent as long as possible, actually it was till my last crop was dry. By the time they were put in the big tent, they had hit the roof of the small dr60 and couldn't wait to get that extra space and light. When moved to the dr100, they were potted up to 7.5l pots. Root balls were nice, proper packed out the last pots, me being lazy though didn't take any pics.

Gave them nearly 2 weeks in the final pots and hit the flower scheldule on friday. A week before though I gave them their first essence spraying, as last grow had a few issues, hopefully this will sort it. Gonna get their second spraying tomorrow. They were pretty big when I changed to 12/12, as they were in the little veg tent for a little too long and probably too many in there, they had a power struggle for light and strectched like that armstrong bastard back in the day!

So when the switch came the smallest was around 30 inches and tallest about 35 inches. This is my 3rd grow now and this is the tallest I've put plants into flower, this will test my height restrictions! Should be fun. They are looking very healthy though, green and lush. So onto the pics. I'm down to just the 4 sweet seeds girls now, the rest of the tent is filled up with my 3 cloned smiles from last grow, a NL#5xhaze and C99.

Creame Caramel #1


Wild Rose


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Upskirt and Canopy Shots

post-56847-0-70380500-1301397234_thumb.jpg post-56847-0-63850400-1301397247_thumb.jpg

All on 1.5l of water every 3 days, have found though for some reason, they seem to respond better when they are watered an hour before the lights go off, rather than watering when the lights come on. Every time I water before lights off, when the lights come back on again they are the picture of healthy reaching for the light, all perky. Whereas watering from lights on, they are nowhere near as nice looking. Any thoughts on this? Have always watered just before lights on, but may well change. Giving them a small dose of bloom now at 1ml a litre. I'll up that next week and start a full feed schelede from then on.

Cheers for chcecking in and happy growing. :smokin:

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Weekly flower update number 1. All going well, up'd the bloom to 2ml a litre now, keeping to the watering in the morning schedule as my plants have never looked so healthy. Giving them 2 litres every 3-4 days. Had to do some light bondage on the NL#5xhaze, as she was getting a bit leggy. First time at doing this, but all went well, and within 12 hours of bending the top down and securing with string to a leaf stem at the bottom, she had curled back up again towards the light, amazed the shit out of me! :eek:

Onto the pics, girls haven't streched too much in the last week, probably around the 8-10 inches mark. As I didn't do accurate measurements before flower, I'm not 100% sure. :v: If strech continues up to week 3, looks like they'll double in size. Smallest is the Cream Caramel #2 at 36 inches and the tallest is the Green Poison at 42 inches. My last GP, was a tiny thing and barely streched at all, I'm guessing this is a different pheno. Hopefully it's as good as the last, cos that was gorgeous!

Cream Caramel #2 - 36inches


Green Poison


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Cream Caramel #1


Wild Rose


Thats all for another week, all are starting to form some nice little buds, next week, I'll bring out the macro shots. At the moment it just not worth it! :wink:

Keep it green. :bong:

Edited by wallydistemper
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