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London Indoor Growers Beware!


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Hello Good Folks!

This might well apply to other areas of the country, but Mrs Whizz has just informed me of severe hot temps are on their way. Considering the time of year, I can only say that it has been coming ;)

Looks like from Sunday onwards I'll be growing during the night!

5 Day Forecast. Before I joined this merry band of growers, I used to love the summer sun, and heat. Now :stoned:

Having said that I best be making the most of it cos its only for a few months of the year.

Anyway, whatever you people do, don't be cooking those plants!!!

Safe growing. Take care ;)


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Guest FlyinHigh

Looks like from Sunday onwards I'll be growing during the night!

G-Whizz you'll have to get them temps down :stoned:

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I know, I know, I know ;)

I will, I will, I PROMISE I will get some sort of extraction sorted :stoned:


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if all else fails, it'll be the dirty dhoti, and sitting in the corner of the growroom pulling on the string - new job title "punka wallah" :smoke:lol:soap:

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Mist is slowly clearing fellas and I can see some very sweaty men in some sort of soldier uniform, gently fanning themselves, and huffing and puffing...

Still, punka wallah is lost on me I'm afraid lol .

Where's Mrs Whizz when you need her???


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if my memory serves me right, a punka is something like a slice of carpet with a pole along the top, hanging vertically high up in the room, suspended by cords - with some poor sod sitting in the corner, pulling a string all day causing it to "shoosh" back and forth, stirring up the air! :smoke:

-hence "punka wallah" as in "it an't arf ot mum" lol

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Cheers m8

Is there an end to your knowledge? I fear not :smoke:

I could have gone through life thinking that was the name for Indian slaves :soap:


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