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White Patchs With Tiny Black Dots On Them..


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One of my nl plants is afflicted with this, its growth is significantly slower than the others, any idea?

Edited by PurpleHeaven
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hi PurpleHeaven

Are the black dots moving and can u see any fine webs on the leaf if so u may have spider mites.

Hold on a bit longer for an experts opinion m8

take care

assassin ;)

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Are the white patches mainly on the leave's surface, and the black dots underneath?

Poke one with your finger nail and see if it scuttle's off. Sounds like spidermites though mate! ;)


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This sounds vaguely familiar. I think I had this on my last crop (I blame the unhygenic mud - no bugs in 6 years and all of a sudden.....), and I don't think its mites, although the damage looks similar.

Am I getting this right? You have white patches on the top of the leaves, similar to spidermite damage, and very small black dots in these white patches - the black dots being a lot smaller than spidermites, and not moving or squishable?

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Yep, the black dots ar tiny, and not moving. This plant must have really poor root development because the other 7 have all soaked up yesterdays watering, that one hasnt...

Also, its first two (oldest) leaves first went yellow, starting from the tip, and are now going brown!

Is this just a bad seed?

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No, its a critter, because I had the same things, and they spread to other plants - not enough to do too much damage, but still annoying.

A few treatments of BuzzOff sorted the problem out for me, but I still don't know exactly what they were. Never had em before at any rate, and all I was interested in at the time was killing em off. Probably should have taken some pics

Maybe I should get off my ass and have a look, unless someone in the know can shed some light on the matter

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