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Anyway To Make Buds Taste Differnt?


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while curing, i had an idea to add somekind of fruit or something natural that smells good... will this make the bud taste like whatever i put in the jar?

probally not but just a question.. has anyone tryed?

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if you use the "search" thingy, you may be able to find a thread yonks ago on the subject - you can use spices, or citrus peel (make sure its organic or unwaxed - most oranges and lemons are coated with a particularly nasty pesticide!) - vanilla, cinammon etc. :yinyang:

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never tried myself, but I seem to remember several people had done, with varying degrees of success - worth a few minutes looking for that thread! :yinyang:

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most oranges and lemons are coated with a particularly nasty pesticide!

:puke: Sorry to go off topic, but would this pesticide wash off? My mum uses grated orange peel in cakes. :yinyang:

Edited by Dangerous Beans
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in a word- no! - its incorporated in the wax coating, which you can't ever satisfactorily remove - organic or unwaxed is the only way! :yinyang:

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Ive just checked and we already get organic oranges :yinyang: . But i'm told orange peel is common in cakes, so they really should stop coating it in chemicals.

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its the "supermarket syndrome" - blast 'em with wax containing "icides" - stops 'em going off in transit - means they can treat them badly, and they still look good on the shelves! That's why you have to pay extra for organic, its not just growing 'em properly, they have to be looked after better in transit too! :yinyang:

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People say that supermarkets have brought prices down. It seems to me that the prices have stayed about the same but people think they have fallen because of all the new cheap rubbish supermarkets sell. I like those little stalls small farms set up by the roadside selling free range eggs etc. You dont get stuff thats all the same size like in super markets, you get stuff that tastes nice instead.

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Joni Mitchell said it in a song years ago "give me spots on apples, but leave me the birds and the bees - they paved paradise, and put up a parking lot" :wassnnme:

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Guest nav182

Put the trees in a museum and charged everybody 20 bucks just to see em !

Ahhh, a song covered by many people


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Slightly off topic...

I love hydrogenated fat :ninja: . Hmmmm waxed oranges, lovely, must be on the look out for those ;)


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