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Ready To Chop?


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OK, one of my FDM50/50 ladies is looking rather reddy/browny, at 46 days 12/12.

I think they are all meant to be ready between 50-60 days, but having never had a female plant before, I was just wondering if anyone in the know could tell me if this one looks about ready to chop. She's a bit more advanced than the rest, and I don't want to leave it too long and the THC start dying off.

Plus I'm feckin' DYING to try my first grow :realcool:

Cheers fellahs and lasses :yep:


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Guest nigfis

Ooooh Spliffy... :yep:

Go for it!......

No. wait!......

I dunno.... ;)

Have you got one of those microscope thingys to check the colour of the Trichomes?.....

I'm tempted to print the picture out, roll it up and smoke it... :yep:

It's beautiful, I'm no help at all.... Ta ta. :realcool:

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It's beautiful, I'm no help at all....


No man, you've been so much help :yep:

You just made me laugh the most I've laughed all week. Just pictured the mad monkey running in the room, going...

"Hi....Yes.....No.....I dunno....BYeeeeeeee"

Fuck man, I'm crying with laughing..

Nice 1 :realcool:

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Guest nav182

Hi Spliffy

I'm in the same boat mate, except my girls been growing since February and I'm dying to puff. Just nipped a bud off and gonna dry it over night to see if it's ready or not, maybe you could do a quick dry yourself and see what the highs like, just a suggestion?


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From what i've read you're supposed to leave them till the pistils are 80% brown....

Looking fine though Spliffy :wassnnme:

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Hi spliffy;

I totally understand the itchy chopping finger....is so hard to restrain yourself when close to the end!

Mate, I'm no expert......but looking at that pic, there seems to be an explosion of new pistils going on there at the top of the bud (not sure if I am seeing it right). If this is the case, leave it for a wee while longer as most plants have a mad burst of fattening up at the end, would be a shame to miss it.

But to be really sure....try to view the trichs....even a hand held kids "magnifying bug viewer" was enough for me to see that my trichs had started to turn amber.

Good luck (with the will power to wait I mean)

EO :wassnnme: Edit to add; Fab pic and lovely healthy girl you got there spliffy!

Edited by EnigmaticOne
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I agree with EO Spliffy :smoke:

Leave the plant for another week and see how it looks. 46 days is a little early to be chopping anything.

Just as a comparison here's a shot of my Janis at 39 days. Not quite as many brown pistils as yourself but a fair few anyhow.

Was also thinking your plant looks a little like a Blue Widow of mine...

- Kafka


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Thanks very much all lol

OK I've followed the general opinion and chopped the side buds off which should give me a nice 1/4 for the weekend :smoke: .

I've got a 10x jewellers loupe, and I'd say maybe half of the triches are going orange, so aye, a few days yet.

Just trying to make a drying box now, but only succeeded in blowing meself up ;)

Blue Widow eh? Wicked, nice to put a name to her.

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very nice grow you got there Spliffy

good idea leaving the top main cola for those extra hairs to change

give a smoke report on how it tastes soon

and more pics of your harvest/dried bud :)

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