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What The Hell Are These ?


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Hiya webby ;)

Good question !

There is some feed back on the leaf coat on the original comp thread. 23 pages long though so i hope you are not in a hurry !

- Kafka

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;) 23 pages not for me today I'm afraid :smoke: Lets just see if someone can answer us here rather than read through the whole thread again ;)
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ya lazy buggers.....

yes it is supposed to help prevent them not kill them if you have em already......I think! ;)

Think it makes the leaves so shiny they just slide off....:smoke:


Edit to add: or maybe it glues them to the leaves once you got em.....dunno ;)

Edited by EnigmaticOne
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I just freaked when I went to water my 5, 24 day old plants (my first grow) and saw these little white things rise up in the water. Upon closer inspection... as the water soaked in, they were moving! A ton of them! My heart sank.

I am female, so perhaps these minature crawing maggot looking infesters bother me more then you tough guys. No Offense, I love how guys play it cool. But this has totally caught me off guard, and in such a nightmarish way! It is like an episode of fear factor for stoners. I need to know if these things prefer to stay in the soil at this point, or are they going to make there way around my bedroom while I sleep. They happen to be in the closet next to my bed. Do they jump??? They sure did crawl well. I am so paranoid right now because I put my fingers in the soil to check the other pots before I realized what I was dealing with and I swear I feel itchy, like they are on me and in my hair and -- as soon as I finish this I am going to take a long shower!!!!


P.S. Usually I am pretty calm cool and collected too, but your seeing me at a low!

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i hate creepy crawlies too-i had to bin a plant the other day coz it got some bugs :(.....didn't want it in the house :o

i think u should be fine-they wont come after u

are all your plants showing the creepy crawlies? if it's only a couple with it-i'd move them away from the others to stop it spreading

i think u'll have to root drench with something-neem oil or another pesticide

hope it all works out :D

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Thanks tha_fiend04 for replying quickly -- I really needed support and your right, I'm sure there would be a lot more post's if they were dangerous. But I don't even want them to co-exhist near me while I sleep tonight but I will be brave. They have mysteriousely infected all 5 pots since yesterday when everything was fine. Grrrr

I just wanted to add that I feel much calmer now after showering. It has been so hot in my apartment today, and that is probably helping those nasty buggers multiply like crazy.

I think it freeked me out so bad because there are just so many swarming around in the soil. After the water completely soaked in they began making thier way back under ground. I just hope they want to stay there until tomorrow when I can exterminate them with pleasure.

I am going to try to find Buzzoff and then Leafcoat. Any more ideas for the paranoid amature, budget minded lady would be great.

And to think yesterday my only problem was the arroma! :( Which by the way was helped with a hepa filter air purifying system I got today.

Also I think one of these threads said you should turn the lights off when treating the thrips, but I have had my babies on 24/24. What should I do????

Thanks all

Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. I think I will take the couch tonight.

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Hi Kabrekai;

Without a pic it is difficult to tell what they might be as there are some harmless bugs which just thrive in healthy soil.

I do know where you are coming from tho , as I would freak out if there were bugs on my plants.

It is no problem to turn the lights off your plants for a bit.....if you spray anything on them you should do it with lights off to prevent the water drops from magnifying the light and causing burns on the leaves.

Good luck with your bugs lol (and plants :( )


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Thanks, sorry no picture but they looked just like the pics in this thread. BTW... yes I KILLED all of them successfully!!! Phew! That was so creepy. I think it may have been too harsh of a dose for the smaller runt plants though. Oh well, I still have three plants that are looking good.

To think all of this work has to be done and I still do not know if I have momma's or pappa's. Crossing my fingers.

I wish the best to all of you not to get any of these discusting bugs.

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