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Folgers Coffee Cans........


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Hey, I was wondering if folgers "metal" coffee cans would work for curing.

about 5 days ago i put a couple of drops of water in few of the cans. I looked this morning and the moisture is still there....inwhich i think there air tight.... would they work....and yes i got the coffee smell outta them.

Also....I read on a website that after my plant has enough pistils on it(when im satisfyed with the amount) I could switch the light cycle to 10 to 8 hours of light, and my plant will mature faster.......the only problems i see with this is.....

1. my plants wont thickin up due to hurrying to finish.

2. smaller yield.

3. not as potent.

Am i right on this one? If no one really knows, i am willing to do an expierment for the sake of science

FTM :crybaby:

Edited by ForTheMuziq
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Well Since I Got No Replys I Think IM Gonna Go And Try My Expieriment.

Ill let yall know how it gos.


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ooppss this post seems to have been missed a bit...


I really don't know about using coffee cans to cure bud in.... :spliff: I do know that glass coffee jars are ok to use.....but I am sure I saw a post on here somewhere which said that metal was not a good idea!

My guess is that ifthere is any moisture in your bud then the metal could react :yinyang: But I'm really not sure on this point at all!!

Sorry I'm not much help am I??


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i cure in metal jars, buds seem fine to me :yep:

as for changing the light, i dont think its a good idea, they need the energy the absorb during the day to make buds at night, and plus some of your plants might go hermie


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I use the 1kg Nescafe tins, with the airtight lid's. You can get about 3oz in one. Those "kilner" jars, just aren't big enough! lol

Work a treat, well I can't notice any adverse effects on taste or anything like that.

I say give it a go, just be sure to give'em a good clean first.


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