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Can i use hydro nutrients in soil


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Hi all, iv just finished a grow in a wilma hydro system and with the intention of using it again i bought alot of Canadian xpress hydro nutrients (Growth & Flower)

After a disaster first grow (Not because of the system but because of space) i have decided to use soil and hand water them on my current grow.

The question is can i use the hydro nutrients when i water the soil instead of buying more nutrient made for soil???

Iv read you can use hydro nutrient in soil !! but not soil nutrient in a hydro system ???? is this true ? does anyone do it on here or anyone tried it ??

Thank you

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i had a mate who used vitalink hydro feed in a soil grow he just changed the strenght, i think he was giving it a quarter of what it was supposed to be or something like that not too sure, never done it myself and not to sure if you can really sure some canna guru will be along shortly to put you right mate

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Never tried it but I don't see why not. I might take a while to figure out the correct dosages though, as "soil" is going to have quite a few nutes in it.

I have used a general purpose potting mix quite a bit which is a bit of a mongrel hybrid between hydro & compost. It uses a very small amount of soil as a buffer. I have used it in a few ways with good results eg with wicks, hand watering, standing the pots in an aerated nutrient bath etc.

to make it up I use 3 parts vermiculite, 3 parts perlite, 3 parts polystyrene balls, 1 part John Innes no2 or 3 compost.

The polystyrene balls (from a bean bag) are to repel moisture so you can vary it a bit to hold more or less water. The compost is there just as a ph buffer really to keep things simple. The original recipe callled for soil not compost, but I couldn't get hold of any I liked. It worked fine for me with compost, but soil would buffer better.

I realise this isnt quite what you are asking. But I used to use Maxicrop (seaweed based) which you can use for hydro or soil, just in different doses. Thats what made me think of it, it even says so on the label.

So some nutes work well with both, cant say for sure about yours I'm afraid.

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If they were suitable mate nutrient manufacturers would have no need to make different nutes for both

My advice is use the appropriate nutrients

Youve said yourself youve just had one balls up, so why you would risk another before you have even started is beyond me


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ive done a few grows in john innes compost and used 2 part vitalink products for hydro,and to be honest it was the best smoke ive ever had,as long as you let the plant use up the nutes out of the soil/compost first lol or consider using coco

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Ok heres the verdict, I did a test and are happy with the results....

I took my 4 plants

Iv been giving 1 of the plants 3ml per litre of Canadian xpress hydro feed from a watering can (top feeding) :skin_up:

and the other 3 iv fed 1ml per litre of the same nutrient.

The end result is this ... the 3 i fed with 1ml have grown very stocky and tight, the 1 i fed with 3ml is crazy, iv had to trim it twice and its still bushy lol iv had no problems with nute burn or yellowing and the leaves are all a good green condition, im impressed.

Ill take some better pics tommorrow and you can see the results for yourselves. :wink:

Im giving them another week-week & half and im going to start flowering using Canadian xpress coco bloom.

im going to start a grow diary on these and some big bud too so have a look ;)

heres a couple of pics






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  • 9 years later...

Hi guys

I was wondering if anyone else has any other advice on this?  i have a plant (in soil) that is suffering what i think is a nitrogen deficiency and i also have a bottle of NPK hydro nute which im not using in my hydro system right now. Before i go and purchase another bottle nutes , is it worth giving the hydro NPK a try?  Obviously ratios/strengths will differ . Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated . 

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