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Bees And Wasps


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i have had 2-5 bees/wasps in my room every day for the last week with the hot weather. i was pretty astonished to see one had found its wayinto the grow space and crawling around my folliage! do these creature pose a threat?

i have screened the window with some net curtain and drawing pins. not too professional or anything but it should stop more of the buggers coming in. scares the shit outta me as well.

obviously the worst case scenario is that a mum bee/wasp has come in and found things comfy. if that has happened already im in deep shit. whats the likely hood of the queens moving around at this time of year? i am prety sure the house opposite has a nest in their roof as there are always a few bugs on the brickwork where the mortor has gone. im gunna go see them later and ask them

oh, and theres still one floating about in the res as i really didnt want to get it out

Edited by ukscroger
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I had a single, solitary wasp last year. I don't think they will harm the plants but it is a bit of a shock when a virtually enclosed growroom manages to attract them. I removed it with the old glass and sheet of card trick.

If they become a nuisance the local council will remove a nest, for a fee. I had a nest in the roof of a garage block next to my garden, as I was getting stung every time I went near they had to go. Two applications of insecticide powder in one of their main entrances and they were toast.

Perhaps it's a cunning plan by the cops, fitting them with little cameras to spy on our grow rooms. Or maybe I've been watching Discovery Channel too much whilst tokin on the Blue Widow :realcool:

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I doubt bees will be a problem, they eat nectar, not actual plant matter, so they shouldn't damage your plants. I'd have thought wasps would be fine too, as long as you keep away from the moody little buggers, I'm pretty sure they're carniverous, so they'll eat any other beasties that get in. It's the little buggers like aphids you gotta worry about. Not too sure about queen movement, but I think they like cool & dark places to hive, so I doubt one would have set up home in your growroom - maybe under the eaves of the house, or in a corner of the garage.

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hehe.. not laughing at ya mate.. that just reminds me of a time a housemate i had was tripping his tits off, just chilling in his bedroom trying to get a grip on himself, when a f**king bee's nest drops through the ceiling in his room.. my god.. laugh? i nearly pissed myself. thought he was gonna have a heart attack right in front of me.. heheheh.. ahh *wipes eyes*

you should be fine.. one or two has managed to find its way into my GR at times when the door's been left open during a hot summer day. no infestations that i've noticed. It cant be healthy of course, with all the pollen and bacteria they will probably bring with them, but i doubt you'll end up fighting killer Queen Bees come harvesting time, which, sensing the anxiety in your post, seemed to be your biggest concern :realcool:

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imagine if one bee did a whitsle stop tour of a few grow rooms and pollanted yer ladies :puke:

you wouldn't even know what the cross was lol

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cheers guys, my main worry was about the queens. explaining it all to the exterminators could be problematic-->specially bloody council workers.....'well, i sort of know exactly where they are but.....'

ive had the plumber in my little 1/2 mt sq by 1mt heigh space, which was funny(hes real little), and he wanted the MH light on, couldnt let him stand on that maze of electrics (he wanted to as well!) when he was pipe cutting, loadsa water pissed out everywhere so he would have probably been toast. he looks like an ex-travelling boy and didnt bat an eyelid, he was aking why things wernt like he thought they should be, not what the things there were....ill give him a call and some bud when ive got a crop to be proud of

oh, and the nettings up, for the grand total of 55p! yes, result,(25p off cut 3x too big and 30p drawing pins-->6 used)

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funny thing is i caught the nastiest evilist fuckin bee in my bedroom, i even took pics :photo:

to show you lot @ uk420 (see i always thinkin of ya ^^ ) altho the pics were wank >_<

Anyways Wasps n Bees are my only phobia, i can be in the same room as one

just as long as they dont get too close :sweaty:

so anyways i went downastairs to grab a good ole' glass jar for the catching,

so after a while playing with it to get it to sit the fuck still so i could catch it,

i whip the jar over up against the window.....now wheres the bloody card to cover the end?? >_<

so i grabbed the nearest thing ... a carrier bag should do the trick, oui?

right bag in place time for transplant time wheres that metal lid gone?

had a quick check for escape routes b4 the transplant and hollyshit the bee had

demolised the fucking bag!?! tore wholes straight thru it, well by now with my

phobia n all this bee had turned into some africanised saber-tooth killer demon

bee that was out to kill me lol

oh well next day, was i fuck letting that bee loose again to reap vengance on me

so it stayed in its new moblie home for the night. the africanised saber-tooth killer

demon bee was dead but i had loads of mini critters running around in the jar with it,

BabyB's awww all the better i killed your queen you evil bastards your not gettin in

my loft to make a nest and kill me when i get up there to make my future GR :angry:

bah nuff rambling think you got the idea of me hatred to the evil flying demon bugs

Peace :puke:


Edited by ChopSueyX
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Perhaps it's a cunning plan by the cops, fitting them with little cameras to spy on our grow rooms. Or maybe I've been watching Discovery Channel too much whilst tokin on the Blue Widow

or that animal camera, that was one of the finest nature programs i have ever seen, combine that with attenburough and it would be without a doubt the best show ever. havent the yanks already done this (spy flies) with mosquito's or something?

the way my nerves are at the mo i prob WOULD have heart attack with a nest falling through the ceiling, and trippin as well, that must have been one of the scariest moments of your life pal.

im pretty sure i have a phobia now about flies, stemming from coming home from 2 week holiday with the folks, aged 8/9, opening my bedroom door and finding a room full of flies after a bird had fallen down the chimney. beaming sunlight through the window was almost completely shaded by this mass of flies. combine this with horrible stench and frantic buzzin would be enough to give most kids bad dreams im sure. one of my earliest memories, from which even silly house flies, of a sizeable appearace mind, scare the shit out of me sometimes today. really bad, "its just a fly man....." is why i think i dont always notice it.

ah, the breze is a dream and the rooms pest free.....bliss

Edited by ukscroger
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shit man, so you actually catch a queen. no wonder it was angry. sod that. lucky you did let it die i reckon. gives me shivers jus thinkin aboot it

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I had the same problem last year...........and guess what.....this year too!

I went to the growroom last night and found no less than 8 dying wasps littered around the floor, in pots, in my resevoir and one live one dive bombed my head. I haven't a clue where they're coming from, but I know where they're going.....straight up the pipe of my vaccuum cleaner......!


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I know where they're going.....straight up the pipe of my vaccuum cleaner......!

aye aint it much more fun when thier alive, then you really do need a 2000w dual cyclone bitch of a hoover ^_^

Peace ;)


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aye aint it much more fun when thier alive, then you really do need a 2000w dual cyclone bitch of a hoover

lol call the RSPCA! :spliff:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was just about to ask something along these lines as i'm having a bit of a recurring problem with wasps at the moment.

The little buggers keep turning up in my grow box in the attic. Fortunately for me, they seem to get stoned in the box. Really guys, they just sit there and don't move very much. Hell i've even sprayed them with water and they just resettle themselves and go back to the sitting and doing nothing.

As long as they're doing no major damage.

I'm off to take care of a queen that's trying to nest in my box just now.

The plant's out and i'm just trying to work up the guts to go get the bitch.

Good idea about the vacuum though.


Smoky ;)

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hi all

i had a problem with a few wasps in my gr, found one a month ago. it was the size of a bloody drone bee. is it just me or are these wasps getting bigger every year.

anyway found an alternative use for my trucheon (was the closets think to hand) was just checking my ladies wen this huge bugger popped out on the plant next to my hand (and i bloody hate the little things). Lets just say the cf meter certainly gave him a headache either that or the wall did. All ends happy anyhow cured his headache for him with my size 11's.

I find deoderants and a lighter sort them out and a least it makes the room smell nice, lol

happy growing lol

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