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Can I Smoke It Right After I Cut It From The Plant


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I have a friend who tells me we can smoke it right after we cut the buds from the plant Is this possible? Why? or Why not?

Thanks :starwars:

P.S. I am growing Blueberry x Burmese and Maui Mist

Edited by arkboyslim
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If you mean by harvest as in chopped, then NO. You'll get a lung infection drying to smoke that wet bud.

If you mean harvested as in dried for ~2 weeks, then yes BUT it will not of reached its full potential. You need to cure it afterwards from anyway to a week to 6 months (for the truly fanatics).


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Guest nav182

Hi arkboyslim

All documentation and advice in here suggests 2 weeks minimum, have to give the bud time to cure, chemical reactions necessary to make your bud potent. If you smoke straight away not only will it taste like cack but won't be half as potent as it will be if u give it 2-3 weeks in a dark, cool, well ventilated place.



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i tried smoking a wet air bud before, it was so wet the spliff did not burn at all, no joke

i harvested my crop last friday, hung them in growroom with full ventillion on, plus a fan blowing air about

all the buds were brittle enough to be jarred by tuesday and im smoking them now, so thats 4 days dry and 2 days cure, less than a week

they could do with a longer cure, but that will come with time

i must admit im a little tempted to put one jars worth in paper bags for a while to dry them a little more as the nugs are pretty dense in that one and still have a little bit of that grassy smell to them


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What you CAN smoke straight away is all the sticky resin that sticks to your fingers and scissors.....

give it a good rub and a roll into a ball, keep rolling it to get out any moisture.....and you have a TOP smoke there.....

Won't last you till the buds are dry or owt, but a nice teaser, and if you've not grown before it'll be the best hash you ever smoked....


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Hi Arkboy,

If you seach the Forums you'll find lots of ways you can enjoy some of your grow while your waiting for the majority to cure. Obviously it will not be anywhere near as potent, or tasty as some well cured weed. But it will bridge the gap a little.

There are ways you can fast dry it in a microwave, or other heating devices. I wouldn't do this with all your grow because it will be a very harsh smoke, and not as potent. You can use the resin as Mono has already said, which will be a lot nicer. Try looking around UK420 for some different methods.



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I wouldn't recommend it, but I have flash dried buds overnight and even in the microwave... never tasted good.. hell, it tasted like shit! i still got stoned as hell though from it, so if u absolutely can't wait, take a small bud, wrap it in a paper napkin and microwave it for 20 seconds, then check on it. Won't taste good or be as potent, but if it's a powerful strain, it will still have you couchlocked.

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this whole 'curing' thing still confuses the heck out of me, but i have around 70 days to figure it out :ouch:

ive smoked both white widow and jack herer that wasnt dried and cured properly - they both got me stoned as hell but were not fun to smoke. spent more time coughing than i did toking. very miffed after id just shelled out my hard earned for it!

however, i had some purple haze last year that had been cured to perfection - it wasnt perticualrly strong, but then purple haze isnt. smoking it however, was lovely - like creamy lavender on the back of my throat. :spliff:


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