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Oasis x2


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:thumbs: Hello fellow greenies :oldtoker: hope everyone is ok and at least trying to be good !

right then, i have got 2 plants which i am pretty sure are oasis but they could also be nl, they are both at 4wks on an 18-24 cycle the best looking one is 8" and the little scruffy one is 4", they are both in a mix of innes potting and about 20% perlite, with hydro pebbles for about an inch on top, they get watered every other day and so far have had no nutes, (i am following arnies method of no nutes for 50 days) the temp is around 75f but the humidity never raises above 20% will this be a problem? sorry the light is 250w hps. they do however seem to love it under the light, and i am going to start 2 skunk no1 tonight. if anyone can see anything going 'pete tong' or about too please shout ok ;)

right off to make tea for our debs  :thumbs:

take care and keep safe everyone :peace:

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Hi Hemlock

All sounds good to me apart from the humidity. You could try and bring it up by stapling/attaching a towel to the wall and have the bottom in a tray of water. This should bring your humidity up until the plants are transpiring enough moisture to keep the humidity up.

Best of luck


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:thumbs: cheers chip, at the moment i have got a mixing bowl full of water sat in the tray so i could use that for the towel :( i am gonna have to try and get hold a digi cam so i can show some pics of them all happy and warm :) one thing though should i keep the fan on all the time ? or put that on a timer as well?

Thx also puffer, does the humidity have to be less when they flower??

i think thats it for now, so take care and keep safe everyone

:thumbs:  :peace:

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Hiya mono  :(

thanks for that mate, it can get VERY confusing this strain name malarky, i am not sure if it is me but i am convinced that when i open the room i can smell warm weed, my missus just looked at me shook her head and said it smells like warm paint to me ! but it makes me grin from ear to ear when i look in on them and catch that alluring scent :) only 3 weeks left on friday then are at 8 weeks, is it then that i cut the light period or before that?? sorry i will get off my lazy arse and go and look it up in the 'bible'

take care and give your feline friend a rub behind the ears from me and my cat. :thumbs:  :peace:

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Hi Hemlok

Mono's right. Oasis is what Dutch Passion calls its Northern Lights 2.

I have my fans on for a little longer than the light. 10 minutes either end. ie 10 mins before they start, and 10 mins after its gone off. Dunno if thats good or bad though.

You can change the light cycle whenever you want. Steve the weed is also growing Northern Lights and i think he's just about to flower his, so check out his thread. The plants are sexually mature once the nodes start to stagger, so any time after that has happened is ok. It just depends on how big you want them to be. I recommend you have a good PM session with Seve the weed and discuss flowering times with him.

Anyway, goo dluck


PS. You aint smelt nothing yet!! Lets rock  :(

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:( cheers chip  :thumbs: i will look him up and see whats what - if you know what i mean. I take it that nl is a bit of a stinker is she? i would like to try one of the fruity strains next time thinking about blueberry or something similar, do they actually smell like fruit or is it just the taste?

i have hung a hand towel inside the box dipping in the mixing bowl and it looks like the humidity is starting to climb already :) its only at 5% buts it better than 0% which it was and the current temp is 78f

thx for the help chip :dj: top man.

take care everyone else  :peace:

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High man,

I've grown NL#2 a few times: it's not a smelly strain - it is in fact one of the lowest smelling strains.

Also, get as much water deposits in the room as is safely possible, because 5% humidity is no good at all man: the plants *need* humidity to form new growth properly.

I currently have a long sandwich/food container about 45cm x 15cm filled with water, as well as a pan (! ) of water, many pint glasses, etc.

My humidity is now acceptable.

Never get water near electrics, obviously, but you need to increase humidity.

All the best,


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:thumbs: woohoo just got in from work and checked the humidity and it was up to 30%, thats with just a large mixing bowl of water and the towel that chip advised to use, oh sorry nearly forgot, Hello everyone, especially to tri and chip and well everyone really, i have also placed another 2 med mixing bowls with water in and we shall see what we see. The plants them selves are standing in there own saucers which is all sat in a 20"x20" plastic tray, could i fill the tray with water? i know it will get heavy but will it work instead of bowls of water all over, i will try it anyway and let you know. right gotta go and get the car mot'd not looking forward to this i can tell you!

take care and keep safe everyone :peace:

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Hi again Hemlok

Trichome's right, get some more water in there somehow... :oldtoker: Make em happy ladies!!

You could put water in the tray, and get rid of the bowls. What you are after is a big as possible surface area of water, so the tray is best as it gives a broad area of easily evaporatable (is that a word?) water. Also, have your fan blowing over the surface of the water to help bring moisture into the air. Depending on the temperature, humidity and depth of the water you may have to top it up quite regular. When i had a similar problem a couple of months ago, the grow room was sucking up 5litres of water a day from a tray!!

You said in your post that your plants have their own saucers, so the plants won't be sitting in the water, is that right? Just, you dont want your plants sitting in puddles of water.

Chip :rock:

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Hi chip

yes they are sat in thier own saucer type things so i think we will try the tray idea, the light has only been on 2 hrs and the humidity has already dropped to 15%, but the temp has become more stable it just maxs out between 75 and 80f and doesnt drop below 60f when the light is off so at least i have got that sorted. (the temp went up to nearly 100f when i first turned it all on)

and my car passed its MOT first time  :thumbs:

see you all later, keep safe

:peace:  :peace:

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:) Hi everyone, hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weather??

Good news ! the humidity is definetly on its way up  :thumbs: during lights out the humidity is now climbing up to 50%, when the light is on however it drops back to 25% is this ok? or does it need to be at 50% all the time? and if the aroma coming out is anything to go off this is NOT nl, she is turning out to be a right little stinker  :thumbs: i wish i had a camera i could post it then you could all see what it looks like. ah well maybe soon, have to try and blag one out of work.

righty ho then i will see you all later

take care and be good.

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High hemlok,

sounds like it's going well with you  :(

The thing is when peeps say NL is not stinky they are talking relatively......so they could well be the Oasis, they are low smell when compared to other strains :)

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:thumbs: Hello Mr B

yeah i think its all falling into place mate, the biggest is now 11" and looking very healthy and green and the smaller one is now 7" and for some strange reason rather than there being one main trunk of the plant it has grown 3" then split into a v shape? it looks very healthy and is growing new shoots every day, looking at them together i think they may be different strains! we shall see when i flower the buggers. Also started 1 skunk1 on sat and its 1" tall already  :thumbs: so things are definetly looking up!

take care and keep safe mate :peace:

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