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Hey peeps....

Once again I would like to take advantage of the vast knowledge of this forum...

I have two plants, just gone into 12/12, and I have no idea what they are??

The whole thing is basically healthy. The leaves are much thinner than my other two plants...(White Widow) the whole leave itself has always had a slight droop which no matter how much I play with light, ventalation etc...always seems to be there...

Most intereting....The very tip of the leaves is around an inch and a half long on it's own!!! it curls under too but has always been green and healthy....Looks like a claw!

No that is not much to go on but ANYTHING would be of help...

Cheers  ;)

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Hi Cedarwood,

Hope this puts your mind at rest.

I had a plant (grown from bagseed), that showed the same characteristics you described - completly. Do not worry .... she stayed like that right until she finished ... and she ended up yielding very well.



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Sweet....Thanks for the reassurance!!

Another question if I may??

I think I have males in my grow room....

I read somewhere that it is worth harvesting them if only to keep you ticking along till the females are done??

If this is right when should I remove the males ??


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Hi Cedarwood,

Get those males out of there as soon as you are sure that they are male - you don't want your lovely ladies pollinated. Should be very obvious after about 1 - 2 weeks of flowering on 12/12 which are male - form little bunches (look almost like tiny grapes) at the branch nodes.

Yes you can smoke the males, but they won't be as potent.

Enjoy the harvest!



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Cheers space cadet....

I will get em out soon as I know...

Nasty litle things....

Both females are looking sweet......I got the white hairs (Pistules??) starting to take over the top of the plant!! The other two are still just "Blobs" at the mo and without a lens cant tell if they are male and Female...

Thanks for the advice..


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Sounds like my Skunk plant which is 4 years old.

As to the males - why not keep one and breed? Just stick it under a window somewhere till you can collect pollen. Then apply that with a little brush to a few selected buds. Free seeds for your next grow, F1 guaranteed {as long as you pollinate a different strain from the male}!!

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