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Been Curing Now Tastes Harsh


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High everyone,

Hope we all had a good weekend ;)

I've got some BBJ in a jar and have been curing for approx 4/5 weeks now. To begin with the bud had a nice fruity taste with a pleasent "up" high.

Now the prob is, is that I am at 4/5 weeks curing and the stuff has no particular taste to it, very harsh on the ole throat and the high doesn't seem as clean (if that makes sense) :wassnnme:

I have been opening the jar for approx 15/20mins per day.

These were cuttings taken from me last lot but seem totally different in all departments.

This stuff is totally dry now, would you recommend me stick a fan leaf in to see if it freshens it up or should I just leave for a coupla weeks more?

Thanks peeps lol

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Ul mate you could try putting some orange/lemon peel in the jar, or just a few fresh ganja leaves from ur plants, that should put a bit more moisture in.

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Bud goes through phases when you are curing it. After about 3 weeks it seems pretty nice, but then has a tendancy to turn shit again for a little while.

Personally, I would leave it for a couple more weeks and see how it is after that mate. Its probably just going through its 2nd phase of the cure, and will come back in about a fortnight to be spot on

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Thanks Pimp and OMH :unsure:

I'll leave now for a coupla weeks then (if it lasts that long :yep: ) and if it's still the same then I'll add a fresh sun leaf, just that I found it wierd that it's taken soooooo long and tastes rank, just hope it changes soon :smoke:

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Not yet cured any myself, but from reading on it I think it loses it's smell when it's kinda "halfway there", if you leave it for as long as it's been curing again, I think it should get the smell back with a vengeance & mellow out (but like I say - that's from book learnin' not real experience).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
what happened to it webby?cheers man,twinkle :blub:

Sorry Twinkle, forgot all bout this thread :headpain:

I left it for a coupla weeks but to no avail, the stench, taste & high didn't change one bit :(

So I decided to freshen it up a tad by sticking in a fresh fan leaf over night, this just made the bud pretty damn wet, so I left yet again to dry out thoroughly and now although the smell still remains the same, once ground up it hits you with a full on fruity smell, the taste apears to not have changed but the high has enhanced sufficiently ;)

This has puzzled me as they were cuttings from me previous grow which were mind blowing <_< Live an learn I s'pose.

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