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Thinking of trying a vapouriser for the first time.


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I have gave 2 people a blast on it who don't even smoke and they didnt really feel much of an effect.

Try it with some decent weed :wink:

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I have gave 2 people a blast on it who don't even smoke and they didnt really feel much of an effect.

Try it with some decent weed lol

Knew I was lining myself up for that one! :wink:

Well I've now been smoking reefa's for 20 years - Surely I would know if its the weed. Fine and Dandy in joints..


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Well I've now been smoking reefa's for 20 years - Surely I would know if its the weed. Fine and Dandy in joints..

Tis a totally differen`t hit i`l give you that mate, i recommend trying it sober, a couple of bowls should do it, i did just that when i got mine as i thought the first one didn`t work and i had wasted my money but 5 mins after the second one i was glad that my friends who were due round for dinner wouldn`t be arriving for another hour and a half :wink: lol

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If your comparing burning a joint with tobacco and a vape, you'll always be left wanting more because it just won't hit the spot. because you're addicted to the combo, but if you smoke pure you will notice how much higher you are with a vape. burning feels like a bit of a waste to me at the moment, because it is.

I only take two or three hits with my vaporstar because i pre heat the nipple/top hat guan for a while, 20 seconds or so, depending whether i'm in a hurry :spliff: i find you get the true taste of your herb, it tastes like it smells.

'spose it's up to personal taste guys, 'nough said


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If your comparing burning a joint with tobacco and a vape, you'll always be left wanting more because it just won't hit the spot. because you're addicted to the combo, but if you smoke pure you will notice how much higher you are with a vape. burning feels like a bit of a waste to me at the moment, because it is.

I only take two or three hits with my vaporstar because i pre heat the nipple/top hat guan for a while, 20 seconds or so, depending whether i'm in a hurry :wub: i find you get the true taste of your herb, it tastes like it smells.

'spose it's up to personal taste guys, 'nough said


Intresting comments illegal-porpoises

I had rolled and smoked tobacco joints almost exclusievly for 38 years, if i did hit a bong or pipe, i added baccy lol

I tried pure spliffs on numerous occasions, but they always left me wanting a "real" one. Your comments explian what was happening :B):

Some months ago i tried pure in a pipe, and WOW what a difference, i could actually taste it and not the bacy, and a much better hit :) so on the back of that tried a pure spliff (again), and immeditly wanted a real baccy one ;)

For the life of me i cant work out why the difference between the effects when i smoke pure in a pipe, compared to a pure spliff, but their sure is, i suppose its becouse of this strangness ive started to consider the actual comsumption side of the equation.

Iam now almost exclusivly a pipe smoker now, only the occasional spliff if someones rolled it, afterall its rude to refuse init ;)

Defenatly going to have to try vaping sometime.


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....................What vapouriser would you recomend..................

Try an 'Eagle Bill' :) and get shitfaced :)

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i started with a vaporstar for the same reason you state; want to try vaping, don't want to pay.

it was good.

but, there's always a but, it was patchy. sometimes i'd be flying, sometimes left wanting, i think if you get your technique right, these're great bits of kit. it definitely showed me that i love vaping, so i bought a herbalaire :wink:

i fucking love my herbalaire, really, love it.

i reckon the vaporstar is a great entry into vaping, i wouldn't be vaping without one.

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Iam now almost exclusivly a pipe smoker now, only the occasional spliff if someones rolled it, afterall its rude to refuse init :wub:

would you refuse if i was passing round hand crafted heroine appetizers? poison is poison man :smoke: bit extreme sorry.

if you love your pipes you should check out the roor steamrollers, lovely pieces and cheap(and some of the medium ones fit the top bit of a vaporstar perfectly, ultraportable). or if your a bit of a shaman, why not combine the four elements and smoke a chillum or a challice.

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Never been able to get into a chillum, seems a weird way of smoking to me, most unatural, dont like them at all.

Ive got a RooR steamroller, well 2 :(, a small and medium anyway last night it occured to me that you may be able to use one as a vape, instead of lighting the bowl, heat it externally, done carefully it should allow vaporistion to occur, with out catching the bud alight. Didnt try last night, i had smoked far to much when i thought of it :yep: but goinig to give it a go later today, and will post back with the results, may just be a very cheap way of trying out vapourisation.


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Iam not normally a "wake-n-baker" but in the intrest of science scarficies have to be made :ninja:

I half filled the bowl of my small RooR Steamroller with my current smoke, five month cured White Berry, then carefully holding it with the bowl parrell to the ground, hit the outside of the bowl with the lighter for a few seconds, toked, nothing, tried a few more seconds and i could just about taste something. Carried on doing that for a few mins, but nothing happaned at all, apart from a weaker than usual taste. About five/ten mins later i started to feel a buzz, which has been slowly building since.

For obvious reasons, i have no idea of the temps invloved, but the bowl did get too hot too touch.

Initial reactions, less taste than when smoked pure, i thought vapoursition was meant to increase the taste, not reduce it, may of course be my "technic" or rather, lack thereof.

Buzz was slower to come on, but no real noticeable difference in effect compared to when smoked conventially, but maybe i got the bowl too hot?? Certainly no "satvia" type high from an indica dom bud that ive read about coming from lower temps.

Conclusion, you can indeed use a Steamroller type pipe as a vapouriser, is vapourising for me, not at all sure, the lack of taste was very disappointing. After half a bowl all i can say is i will have to continue the experiment, but at least i can try experimenting at a total cost of zilch, which has to be a winner :wink:


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Magic Flight Launch Box all the way for me, easy to use, you can use it any where because it`s so small and you can judge when the vapours used up, i have hammered mine everyday since i bought it and am considering getting a back up even though it has a lifetime guarantee, wouldn`t want to be without it now :smokin:

Another vote here for the Magic Flight Launch Box :rofl:

I use my Arizer more often now (hits harder :guitar:) but the convenience and stealth of the Launch Box can't be beaten (once you sort out some decent batteries).

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I've got a Vaporstar but it can be hit and miss with the temp control. I'm definitely a fan of vaping now but i couldn't do it exclusively, Next on the list MFLB.

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Experiment #2

Having some minor success with vaping using the Steamroller, thought i would try another idea. A water pipe and heat gun.

I just used the water pipe as normal, but instead of sparking the bud, hit the bowl from the side with a heat gun, started with the lowest seeting, and at first nothing happaned, although i soon learned not to let the heat gun point directly at the top of the bowl, you blow all the bud out :stoned:

After refilling all i can say is it had even less taste than the first attempt thru the steamroller, i guess its the water filtering out the few flavour molecules liberated from the bud. The hit itself was the about the same as the steamrollers, certainly neither was significantly better (or worse) than the other.

Have to say that so far whilst the hit seems ok from vaped weed, it certainly lacks something, and i call that something taste. To me vaped the bud tastes quiet bland when compared to being combusted in a pipe.

/me thinks .............. i will have to do some more testing ................


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