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Just Jack Part 2

Guest hantshaze

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'kin classic "all in all a good hol apart from following threw one night"


glad youy had a good un sir

(the more i hear , the more i want some j47 beans, still have some white label jack to try ....)


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Guest hantshaze
'kin classic "all in all a good hol apart from following threw one night"


glad youy had a good un sir

(the more i hear , the more i want some j47 beans, still have some white label jack to try ....)


give um a go bro, strong shit man.

I would put a photo up of one of my mates trying to shake of a whitey lol from the jk.

It was on the sun before I went to spain. Cant put it up though as you can see his face, proppa mashed up :( and drenched with sweat lol

Try you will like.



the Black Diesel is a selected NYCD. 70sat/30 indi

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alright hants mate hope ya had a good holiday dude.....

lookin absolutely awsome mate propa big lush healthy lasses gonna be in for a treat me thinks , there gonna fill that closet out right nice bruv lol speak to ya soon man.......

FG lol

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Guest hantshaze
alright hants mate hope ya had a good holiday dude.....

lookin absolutely awsome mate propa big lush healthy lasses gonna be in for a treat me thinks , there gonna fill that closet out right nice bruv :( speak to ya soon man.......

FG ;)

Yes yes Brother G lol

yeah man nice to get out of this shit hole now and then mate.

cheerz geez having a ec meter that works helps a tad lol lol

There about 2ft atm so there'll end up a good 5 foot.

How muck did your ssh/mango stretch ?, if you dont mind me askin.

Nice to hear from ya anyway man ;)

catch ya soon Farmer!


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alright hants mate hope ya had a good holiday dude.....

lookin absolutely awsome mate propa big lush healthy lasses gonna be in for a treat me thinks , there gonna fill that closet out right nice bruv :( speak to ya soon man.......

FG ;)

Yes yes Brother G lol

yeah man nice to get out of this shit hole now and then mate.

cheerz geez having a ec meter that works helps a tad lol lol

There about 2ft atm so there'll end up a good 5 foot.

How muck did your ssh/mango stretch ?, if you dont mind me askin.

Nice to hear from ya anyway man ;)

catch ya soon Farmer!


;) ya not wrong bro this country can get a man down sometimes so always nice for a break , as for the e.c meter fingers x it dont play up for ya this time round , mate there beasts them girls :B): the ssh x mango roughly doubled in flower just a wee bit over , i flowered them at around 10" - 12" tall they finished around the 24" in mark maybe a bit more so yea roughly doubled mate.....

FG ;)

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Guest hantshaze
Looking good Hants mate and glad u enjoyed ur holiday

Lets see the budssss now :no:


Cheerz Gerry mate :rofl:

The buds ara a comin soon :wink:


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Guest hantshaze

Hello fello growers & tokers :smokin:

Hi Ho Hi Ho its into Bloom I go :band:

Yeah man I hung the 3rd 400 up last night, 3 new bulbs fitted, timer reset and bobs ya Uncle :yep:

I orderd some netting yesterday so as soon as that arrives the closet bill be well sorted to produce some jucie, fat, sticky Buds :angry:

I've worked out a good way of fixing the net up, show you when it comes.

I allso got a new clip on fan as one stopped workin. Homebase have the for £4.99 down from £9.99 so all good there.

I'm gonna give the girls a good trim down below later when I feed them.

And take a few cuts for the next run.

So this is how there looking on there first day of bloom.

Left hand side of the closet.



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Guest hantshaze

I'm not working today so I'd better get my arse out of bed soon and give the girls a good watering/feed, take a few cuts and maybe put some of my news beens into some Coco...

Anyway last pic for now. A closet door shot.

Loads a light coming down on these bitches :smokin:

Take it easy all.



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Guest hantshaze

High all :(

just finnished to a bit of work to the closet.

I order'd some netting yesterday and it arrived this morning :wub:

I'm not really putting it up for scrog reasons but more for support.

The jk's have some verry heavey heads :huh:

The net came at a meter wide so I had to cut it down to 70cm.

And cut the lenth down to 2.8 m long.

All I did was fix it to cut lenths of batten with a staple gun and then gentle hammer the batten in between the 2 close walls.

Job done!

Well this is how its looking :yep:

its about 10 in above the tops but these bitches are gonna strech a couple of feet.

Catch ya's soon.

Off to have a good :beer: and a few lol's




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mornin Hants ma man you cool....

lookin sweet as bro ya propa on top of this run huh fella , is it the first time your usin a net for support

or have you done it in the past ? gonna get a good yield from this lot mate i just no it lol best of luck

dude lets hope ya e.c pen dont fuck up again ! catch ya soon man.....

FG lol

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Guest hantshaze
mornin Hants ma man you cool....

lookin sweet as bro ya propa on top of this run huh fella , is it the first time your usin a net for support

or have you done it in the past ? gonna get a good yield from this lot mate i just no it :yep: best of luck

dude lets hope ya e.c pen dont fuck up again ! catch ya soon man.....

FG ;)

Hello farmer g man ;)

Thanks bro I must say I've never had um so healthy :smug:

Yea first time with the net.

The jk's become very top heavey.

If I had to falt them it would be there not so chunky stems.

But at the end of the day its not stems I'm growing these Fucker for :B):

will be nice being able to spread the heads threw out the netting though.

lol if the ec truntion does fuck up, cant see it though, I know how many ml's of each to get the right levels :yep:

cheers for droppin in G

and see ya soon mate.


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Guest hantshaze



;) not a lot going on, yet!

The Girls are getting closer to the netting now and would say after another week there'll of reached it.

Water'd & fed them this morning.

Same nutes ect as last time.

I will be giving them Hammerhead but not untill there a couple of weeks into bloom.

Well thats about it. Just a couple of pic's I took this morning.

They should fill the closet nicely come a couple of weeks.

Tc all and stay safe :B):




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Guest hantshaze


High de High Growers :smug:

Wassssup All.

Just a little update here.

The girls are nearly up with the net now, must of nearly grown 10 in's in only 5 days.

I dont mind saying myself that this lot of jk's are looking so healthy :yinyang: allso the Ssh x Mango.

I did have the sshxm sat on a shoe box to keep it at the same hight but it got taller than the others so I have now removed the box.

Nothing really changed here appart from watering daily now, really want to give these the best crack of the whip I can.

There still on the same nutes ect.

Well then this is how the girls are looking.






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