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Problems Germing

Guest 2hi2try

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Guest 2hi2try

As the title says, I've only had one bean out of 3 cracked yet after 3 days using the paper towel/dvd case method. I'll obviously give them longer but if the other 2 don't pop where do SS stand on replacements? They're the SAD as am I as this throws a spanner in the works somewhat.


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Guest hantshaze

Are they nice and moist in a worm dark place..

I to had bad germ results with there JK47.

Only 2 out of five cracked.

Give them more time mate.


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Hi mate!

Well, maybe it is a bit to soon yet, my Sweet Afgani Delicious seeds always popped in the first 24-72 hours but sometimes they can take a bit longer. Have you ever got this same problem with other seeds or do they usually pop out faster?

My suggestion is that you wait for a couple of days more and then, if they keep closed, send me a private message and I'll tell you what you could do to try one last method and, if it also doesn't work, I'll tell you what you can do to try and replace them.

Change the paper towels to new ones and forget about leaving the dvd case completly closed. Leave it just a little bit opened. You may have to humidify the towels more often but it is better to the seeds. Don't open the towels to check the seeds more than once a day.

We'll keep in touch. Good luck!


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I had no probs with my ss beans , but im sure if you drop em a mail direct , they'll sort you out .

Do give em a few more days though hi, as some beans seem to take ages to crack..



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Guest 2hi2try

Thanks for that SS, I'll give them longer for sure I usualy see them opened at 48hrs max. I've now got the case open a little and I'll keep an eye on them to make sure they don't dry out. My germ rate before this was almost 100% thats why I'm a little shocked, but its only been 3 days so still time for them yet.


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Guest 2hi2try

One bean that has cracked has gone in the compo and the other two are still in the vented case...




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Guest 2hi2try

Had 2/3 poped now on day 4, I didn't pre-soak these beans as I usualy do which could account for the delayed opening.


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Alright 2hi2try...I just germed 3 S.A.D..I put them straight out the pack and into compost.After 3 nights all were up and doing well.They been up for only a few days but have a couple of sets of leaves already..

I know this doesn't help,just wanted to say how mine went..

Good luck with them mate..Hope it goes well.


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Hi guys!

The same with me, Sickboy, Sweet Afgani seeds have always popped and they usually do it very quickly. Well, our friend has now 2 popped and 1 still closed. Lets hope it also sprouts soon.

They look fine, no rotten signs around the beans, so they seem fresh and fine, unless you have a nice dose of bad luck I guess it will sprout. One thing... next time try to avoid using paper towels with colors, go with the "all white" towels, with no artificial odours neither any colors. I'm not saying that is the reason why they are taking a bit longer, not at all, but it is safer to use straight white towels.

Good luck for that last one. We'll keep in touch! :spliff:


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Guest 2hi2try

Still only 2 out of 3, I've given up hope on the last one(although its still in the paper towel). Things should be ok still as I'll be doing a scrog, so a little extra veg will be in order...



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