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I Made A Medicinal Oil


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If it's anything like the shit in my water pipe

No it`s not mate :rofl:

Apart from the fact it hasn't been cleaned for 5 years and had a few more strains through it. Whys that then, looks pretty black to me?

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I woke up about half an hour ago and have been stuffing my face with bacon butties and cheescake since lol

I applied 6 drops under the tongue and forgot I'd had it because I then smoked a pure single skinner, this stuff has potential :)

I also seem have been given the ability to adjust the passage of time as everything is moving so slowly

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If it's anything like the shit in my water pipe

No it`s not mate lol

Apart from the fact it hasn't been cleaned for 5 years and had a few more strains through it. Whys that then, looks pretty black to me?

It's nothing like dirty bong water :)

That's like comparing the piss from an alcoholic with a nice malt

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I also seem have been given the ability to adjust the passage of time as everything is moving so slowly

Think the England team might be hoping they can do the same soon.

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If it's anything like the shit in my water pipe

No it`s not mate lol

Apart from the fact it hasn't been cleaned for 5 years and had a few more strains through it. Whys that then, looks pretty black to me?

It was a vapouriser not a water bong :)

E2a, Glad you enjoyed it Danzig lol

Edited by ratdog
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Tar is a by product produced by smoking, tar is the black stuff that collects in bongs and pipes. Danzig cleaned a Volcano Vaporizer which doesn't ignite cannabis materials but vaporizes off the active ingredients to be inhaled. Because a vaporizer doesn't ignite the cannabis no tar by product is left on the vaporizer parts.

Cannabis oil is a tincture produced by means of alcohol or butane extraction resulting in a highly potent end product, although some alcohol and iso oils can look like bong tar I assure you they are very different.

I should imagine the by product left behind on a volcano after extensive use still has quite a bit of THC within it, also amounts of CBN, CBD and other cannabinoids as well, a good start for some oil I would have thought. Not forgetting to mention the oz of black and the washes of trim and air buds also which would raise the potency within the end product.


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What Hashishin said :doh:

I'll have my bread bits later and I'll try 4 drops tomorrow with no joints

I've still got about 25 ounces of Master Kush in Spain and that was cropped in Nov 2008 so at 18 months old it has a high CBN content, I'll have to give some the tincture treatment next time I'm over there

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:rofl:lollol that looks amazing danzig :blub::spliff::yep:lollol most oil ive ever seen

and i'm glad you didn't overdose that stuff looks super potent

top stuff

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It was a vapouriser not a water bong :)

E2a, Glad you enjoyed it Danzig lol

Missed the volcano part :)

Tar is a by product produced by smoking, tar is the black stuff that collects in bongs and pipes. Danzig cleaned a Volcano Vaporizer which doesn't ignite cannabis materials but vaporizes off the active ingredients to be inhaled. Because a vaporizer doesn't ignite the cannabis no tar by product is left on the vaporizer parts.

Not entirely true, vaporising as the extraction method does not mean the only products released would be the desired cannabinoids. But, as I mentioned, I missed the Volcano part and now realise that the other by products (sap extracts, tar, etc) would be significantly less than in flame burnt, water pipe decanted gunge <Place Word here>.

It probably smells a lot sweater too, sniff test Danzig? Burnt month old ashtrays or not?

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Below is an article by Wernard Bruining, for those that don't know Wernard he started the seed company Postronics and set up the first cannabis cafe in Holland "The Mellow Yellow"

Medical marijuana files

By: Wernard Bruining,

10 Augustus 2009

Making medicinal marijuana oil with alcohol is done like this!

Marihuana oil is regarded a potent medicine, just Google “Run from the cure” and you will find on YouTube the Rick Simpson story. In this internet movie you will hear people explain how they got miracousely cured by eating at least 4 drops of marihuana oil per day for a period of 60 days. The oil seems to be able to cure all sorts of internal cancers but also skin cancer and eczema’s. In Run from the Cure the oil is distributed in plastic syringes. I have tried the syringe and found that the thick oil is hard to administer, before you know it you push out a squirt instead of a single drop.

That’s why I dilute the marijuana oil with some ordinary hempseed oil. The thick marijuana oil becomes more fluid and can be administered per drop with a pipette. Administering the oil under your tongue has the advantage that the oil becomes effective in 5-10 minutes, you can feel the drops fall and count them. Ingesting oil under the tongue is a third way of ingesting cannabinoïds besides inhaling (effective in 10-20 seconds) and through the stomach (effective in 40-60 minutes).

In Run from the cure you can see how Rick makes the oil by evaporating the alcohol in a rice cooker. He describes this process as extremely dangerous. I have developed a method that is so simple and safe anybody can do it at home on his kitchen sink!

Making medicinal marihuana oil with alcohol

There are two kinds of alcohol you can use:

1. Pure alcohol (96%). Depending on the country you live in this ethyl alcohol can be obtained from a pharmacy or a company that sells products you need for making your own beer wine or liquor.

2. Ordinary alcohol from a liquor store, such as vodka and rum. Best is of course to pick out a drink with the highest percentage of alcohol and the least amount of added flavor such as sugars. Usually such drinks have an alcohol percentage of 40-50% the rest is water. When you want to evaporate the fluid after extracting the cannabinoïds, the water is the hardest to get rid of. Alcohol evaporates much easier then water, so evaporating the water as well will take more time. The other disadvantage is that the fluid contains only half the amount of alcohol, so alcohol from the liquor store has only half the capacity of dissolving cannabinoids.

Beware: there is also a cheap alcohol for cleaning purposes, but it contains the dangerous, poisonous methyl alcohol and is not suitable for human consumption. It does irreversible damage to human organs and eyes, and can turn people blind! In order to scare of potential drinking a bitter taste is added. Of course the alcohol is mainly evaporated, but stay safe; do not use this kind of alcohol!

For producing your own marihuana oil with alcohol you need:

Tip: check for 95% pure alcohol and hempseed oil the internet!

You will need

Marihuana buds, but trim leaf is ok

A baby bottle heater with adjustable heat.

An air pump as used for aquariums

Pure alcohol 96% or strong liquor with a high alcohol level

A thermometer

Two small mineral water bottles that will fit in the baby bottle heater

A funnel

A package of nylon socks, a sort of short nylons

A few new glass bottles (10 CC) with a pipette screwed on top

Hempseed oil. This is oil made out of industrial hempseeds. The oil does not contain any cannabinoïds

Filling the First bottle

Crumble the marihuana and fill the first bottle for 25- 75%. Now add the alcohol and fill the bottle almost up to the top. Let it sit for two days and shake frequently. The alcohol will turn green as the alcohol dissolves the cannabinoids.

Slip a fine nylon sock over the first bottle and poor the green coloured alcohol through the funnel into the second bottle. Position the second bottle in the bottle heater. Refill the first bottle with fresh alcohol and soak the marihuana a second time, to make sure you extract all cannabinoids.


Position the second bottle with the green coloured alcohol in the bottle heater. Fill the bottle heater with water to improve heat transmission (au bain marie). Guide the the tube of the air pump first through the water surrounding the bottle to increase air temperature ,then straight into the bottle, all the way to the bottom. Do not use any device on the end of the tube. Switch on the air pump and the bottle heater. Stick a thermometer next to the bottle in the water and adjust the temperature to 34C, or 93F. This low temperature evaporation will protect some rare cannabinoids and improve the quality. Refill the bottle in the heater with green alcohol from the first bottle if you like. Evaporation of a full bottle of alcohol takes about 24 hours.

Alcohol is very flammable and alcohol fumes in a closed environment are explosive, so ensure evaporation takes place in a well ventilated area.


After 12-24 hours of heating and bubbling you will see a thin layer of thick oil at the bottom of the bottle. Make sure all the alcohol is evaporated, if not let the evaporation process continue for another day.

Poor some hempseed oil in the bottle, diluting the marijuana oil 10-20 fold. Diluting the marijuana oil makes dosage safer and more flexible, (One can choose between 1-20 drops per day). Mix the oils well and poor the mix into several pipette bottles.


Dropping oil, the third way. Applying oil is the third way of administering medicinal cannabinoïds. Smoking is the number one method, it works within 10-20 seconds and last an hour or so. Eating or drinking is the second method. It works after 40-60 minutes and lasts for 5-6 hours. Taking oil under the tongue is the third way. Oil under the tongue becomes effective after 5 minutes and works for about 4-6 hours.

Oil can also be eaten, just drop some on a piece of bred and swallow it. If you do not want to get high,( to fight nausea for instance) just use 1-2 drops. If you need to take more, take them during the course of the day.

Increasing effectiveness.

In Run form the Cure you see people working with big buckets filled with product and lots of alcohol. This will cost you a lot of alcohol. There are two things you can do to reduce these costs and increase effectivenes: reducing the volume of product and recycling the alcohol

1. Reduce volume of product by pollinating it or applying the ice-o-lator technique. There are several types of pollinators and ice-o-laters available in grow shops or on the internet. Typically these techniques reduce volume of product to 20-30%. These powders can be easily extracted in the small bottles. And of course powders absorb less alcohol than the leafy material.

2 Recycling the alcohol. When making marijuana oil on a more regular basis you will find that reducing the cost of alcohol becomes an important factor. The ultimate way of doing that is by recycling the alcohol by condensing the fumes.

Oil can give you a nice feeling for 5-6 hours!

I call marijuana oil the great stabilizer; it brings balance in your life after using it for a couple of weeks. The high is different than smoking or eating, less pushy, less dominant, more relaxed and contemplative. As if you look at events from a distance while going with the flow. In contrary with smoking one does not feel tired afterwards. The red-eye effect is also less visible. Even when massively overdosed consumer does not lose control but experiences a light trip, proving the medicine to be safe. If you suffer from low levels of anandamine (that makes you happy) take a drop of oil. If you want to relax, poor some in a hot bath!

Did you know that?

One out of four adults get a cancer during his/ her life time. 50% Of cancer patients die within 5 years after diagnosis. There are no real good medicines against cancer. There is churgery, radiation, hormone treatments and chemo therapy but they all have their limitations and downsides. Chemo is basically a poison administered in the hope it will kill the cancer before it kills the patient. Chemo is also a serious threat to the immune system; it breaks it down, making the patient vulnerable to any other disease or infection.

How does marihuana oil actually work?

A recent research project (2008) from the Complutense University in Madrid, working with scientists from other universities, found that the active component of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), causes cancer cells to undergo a process called autophagy -- the breakdown that occurs when the cell is programmed to die, falling apart in the initial components are reused again by the human body.

The other medicinal effect of marihuana oil is that cannabinoids reduce the amount of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). VEGF is a biomolecule that’s essential for development of new capillaries. VEGF is abundantly present in the fetus and later in mature life only in minor amounts for the restoration of damaged tissue. It is assumed that cancers can only develop when an abundance of VEGF is present in the human body creating new capillaries so the tumor can be fed and grow. So reducing these VEGF molecules with cannabonoïds stops cancers and tumors from growing.


Rick Simpson claims he has cured hundreds of patients in the past five years. I have less experience since I only experiment with oil for a couple of months now. But I do have some excellent results in treating chronic pain, depression, loss of appetite, nausea, ADHD, Herpes labialis, excema, sleeping disorders, and basically all the medical problems people usually smoke cannabis for. Oil makes cannabis as a medicine interesting for everybody!

Wernard Bruining, Tiel, 10 Augustus 2009



Google: Run from the Cure, the Rick Simpson story

Google: Medical cannabis testimonies

Google: Cancer cure by Robbert Melamede .


Beware: The law in some countries considers cannabis oil a hard drug due to its high concentration of cannabinoïds.

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quality post danzig.

what was the amount of trim/bud you used in your run?

also anyone know how long this has a shelf life for?

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