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Hesi Coco


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Hi all!

Is only hesi tnt that have bad ec readings or the coco has it to? Can i use my ec pen on hesi coco or just simply follow the dosage ? By what i read i think the hesi coco nut can be used with ec readings


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Guest chr0nicsxs

I use Hesi coco (Orange bottle) it gives strange readings on my EC pen, 5ML/litre being full strengh gives me an EC of 1.1 (tap water EC -0.2) but it says full strengh should be 1.8EC-2.4EC on the back of the bottle.. To achieve this I would have to be using way over the maximum bottle instructions.. I read this Hesi coco was fine for EC readings on another forum but it didnt work out like that for me..

Also, It has a high N so its advisable to start bringing it down at about week 5-6 of 12/12 to clear out the excess N.

Edited by chr0nicsxs
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Hesi use organic nitrogen (Urea)in their nutes so your ec readings will seem lower as the nitrogen isnt accounted for by your meter. I just use my ec meter to monitor the rising concentration and make sure they dont rise to fast. Mainly just follow the instructions/reccommendations on back of bottle.Ive used Hesi nutes for 2 years now and think they are easy to use and give great results. Their SuperVit is one of the best additives money can buy. Their soil nutes are wicked too as well as their coco nutes. Im a coco grower now and have always used Hesi. I want to try Vitalink coco nutes as Ive heard good things bout them but if it aint broke why fix it. Just love the results I get using Hesi. Good luck.

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Heres a test I done with the bloom when I started out in coco & If Im honest this was the last time I used my ec truncheon.

Just go by the bottle & you wont go far wrong,just keep an eye on your plants for nute burn.

1ml - 1 litre = ec 1.0

2ml - 1 litre = ec 1.3

3ml - 1 litre = ec 1.6

4ml - 1 litre = ec 1.9

5ML - 1 litre = ec 2.2

So yeah Id say you can mearsure the bloom nutes.....


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In my ec pen i read for 5ml/litre 1.49 how do you got those results in yours? my water have more or less 0.19 ec

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