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Vape Compared To A Joint


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These iolte vapes are sounding more interesting every post i read!..i'm tetering on the fence whether to buy one or not.

I too smoke joints, mine with baccy in most of the time, occasionally smoking pure if we have none..i also have a pipe a bought off a mate for a fiver, real small takes about 2-4 bowls to get you baked. its kind of a spring, bendy thing acting as the smoke 'chamber' that leads to the mouthpiece..quite a small bowl aswell which sucks so haven't really used it since the day i bought it..

I too(Dont we all) have the problem of my weed not lasting long enough.. i smoke around 10g a week more possibly..your tellling me with a vape i could make 3-4g last me a week? if so, thats incredible and will be quick to buy one :rofl:.


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I too(Dont we all) have the problem of my weed not lasting long enough.. i smoke around 10g a week more possibly..your tellling me with a vape i could make 3-4g last me a week? if so, thats incredible and will be quick to buy one :wink:.

If your weed isn't lasting long enough then grow more or use less

50% of weed in a joint is destroyed by the act of combustion, e.g. 5 grams in vapes will get you as stoned as 10 grams in joints, btw 2.5 grams eaten will get you just as stoned as the two previous examples

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These iolte vapes are sounding more interesting every post i read!..i'm tetering on the fence whether to buy one or not.

I too(Dont we all) have the problem of my weed not lasting long enough.. i smoke around 10g a week more possibly..your tellling me with a vape i could make 3-4g last me a week? if so, thats incredible and will be quick to buy one :smoke:.


The quality of the vape on later cycles does deteriorate from the first virgin vape, obviously. Say you grind up a nice chambers worth and hit it for 20 - 30 mins in the IoLite and that is the first hit of the day, I find there is still some THC left in in the weed. Then say you sober up or hit it again the next day using the same weed, fire up the IoLite and again use for another 20mins that would probably deplete all the active ingredients, but the high will be nowhere near as good as the first hit on a fresh grind... Sill worth using up though!!!

The same applies for the volcano I regularly only have one maybe two bags, adjusting the temp slightly higher on each cycle. So if the forth or sometimes even fifth cycle is the first of the day the high is just not enough for me so find my self emptying the chamber, grinding some fresh herb and bingo next stop fuzzy land!!!

Cheers DrSin

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anyone find after a few weeks heavy use on a vap do you feel a bit on edge nervous like even emotional ?

whats your thoughts guys

interesting nmw ..ive put this down to my herbal aire only extracting the orrather vaporising the thc and not getting the temp right for full vaporisation of other compounds ..i had some haze that put us on edge after a week of it ..just in the bag though ,joints didnt have the same effect ...i go now by the rule of thumb that is if it makes me feel edgy then up the temp or leave it alone and only smoke it

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anyone find after a few weeks heavy use on a vap do you feel a bit on edge nervous like even emotional ?

whats your thoughts guys

I find that with cannabis generally. Alcohol too. I don't touch e because it turns me into an emotional wreck for 5 days after.

All drugs block out emotions to a certain extent, and this can catch up with you. Give it a rest of a couple of weeks :smoke:

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hi guys

yup was not sure if it was the vap doing it or if it was me nerves playing up :bad: my life is stressful like so was not sure

but i did start vaping smaller amounts on 230 and i seemed to stop been so emotional and on edge

i think below 200 makes me a bit emotional and edge :D

its a strange one i would like to here what more peeps think

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm fucking converted to vaping now, had a little vaporstar for a week or two but not done much with it bar the odd toot. Had a session on it tonight and the high is totally different to how I find joints. Totally converted I think, I doubt I'll be smoking a joint anytime soon :yinyang:

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it's wicked isn't it?

i've been vaping since just before christmas and joints just aren't the same anymore.

in fact i got a vaporstar first and loved vaping so much i'm now the proud owner of a herbalaire :angry:

just firing it up now, as it happens. sunshine and vapour, aaaahh...

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