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2nd Grow, When To Harvest


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I am using an Autopot and Bioponic nutrient with a 400W Metal Halide super son t plus.

I am growing from some bag seed. I think the plant is mainly sative due to the size and shape of it. All the buds are full of crystals and the smell and stickyness (when I accedently brush myself against it) are fantastic.

The question is, about 5 days ago the pistols started going brown, how long does it (roughly) take until harvest. I understand the flushing process etc.

I am currently at 7 weeks today 12/12.

Please help

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Hey there dude, really and truly its not the hairs turning brown that is the true indicator (some people say chop when 75% of the hairs have changed) the real way to tell is the trichomes (resin glands) when they turn milky to amber this is the best time to harvest! Milky being for the lighter stone and if you prefer the couchlock buzz then let them go a bit longer till they are amber!

Hope that helps, get yourself a good magnifying glass and check them out!


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Guest BushBandicoot

If you don't have a lens/loupe, why not try some ? If you smoke cig's roll one up/down bud til paper appears marked,otherwise nip off small bud!

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Doh, sorry guys. Was trying to upload a picture and failed cos they were all 150kb, then didnt think to change forums before i posted. :wassnnme:

Anyways thanks for your replys, again it was my fault for not explaining my question properly.

I understand most of the grow procedure and by the looks of things im doing ok :spliff:

But what I wanted to know was when you notice the first brown pistols, how close is it to harvest, days or weeks?. I realise every plant is different but a rough guide would be nice

Anyways thanks in advance and I hope I havent made another pigs ear of this post, lol


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4 to 5 weeks WOW thats a total of 12 weeks flowering. The pistols are about 40% brown now and the buds are tight. Are u sure it should be that long

Thanks again

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  • 1 month later...

4/5 weeks.. ouch..

mine have only just started going brown .. literally just a few hairs on 2 of 3 plants.. (plants are about 7 weeks in flower now)

hoped to have them chopped in 2 weeks (as going on hols abroad and parents are coming round to house sit.. so have no choice but to chop and move to my car boot to dry) :)

- the old man will no doubt go up to my loft so cant dry there..

sampled a bit of blueberry last night... just nabbed an under developed low down branch with very small buds, white hairs but no crystals...

.. 1 hr+ in oven at 80 deg dried it out nicely..

was a bit of a creeper.. had 1st J (std size rizla not king!) .. no baccy..

didnt feel anything really.. rolled the 2nd about 20 mins later .. smoked it then the first crept in.. then the 2nd soon after ... and was seriously heady stone!.. was buzzing my t1ts off

was watching the film 'Spun' at the time.. got completely lost with what was going on..

looks like all 3 plants are going to be head rushes then if there not going to be ready in 2 weeks when i chop.. shame as i was looking forward to loads of couch lock!!.. not this buzzin round the house all night long lark..

..felt kinda stupid talking and laughing loads to myself alot aswell .. ;)

decided to go to bed and it was so heady i just couldnt sleep.. had stupid thoughts running through my head for hours when all i wanted was sleep..

not good ;) ..

Edited by stormin
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i prefer to harvest when most of the tri's are the milky side of amber and pistels are 70-80% brown-orange. thats never been more than 9 and half weeks, but it depends mostly on strain your grwoing i geuss...

Edited by Cheech
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