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Price of electricity!!


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Hey people chill out!!!!!! there are growrooms far bigger that never even get touched, the electricity company also have a duty to you as their customer, the worst they would do is write to you asking if you want to take advantage of their favorable business rates!! also to check every house that has a sudden increase in electric would be silly, If the police ARE watching your electric bill more than likely they have a lot more than your electric bill on you, ie. They have to have evidence presented to a magistrate or judge to obtain your electric bill, tap your phone, get a warrant, etc etc. it is more important that you are 'discreet on the street' dont tell anyone, dont go to the garden centre caned, dont buy by credit card and last but not least keep your neighbours sweet!! BBB

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Actually had a letter once (not from GR thought) about checking for still running washing machines computers and Industrail grade Mainframes (well maybe not the alst one). As far as thye went ...


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It's not just the HPS, there are fans, ballast wastage, heaters if it's cold etc. Don't forget the extra hours the PC is on because of the research.

Since running a 400w, my bill is up about £100 a quarter, but I was reasonably careful before, and now I'm trying to creep it up to cover any extra lights I buy.

Before growing, I'd noticed having someone stay added £5 a week.

I know people who spend £40+ a week on leccy cards and they've never had a visit.

If you cook with gas and don't use a tumble drier, up to 2kw of lighting is OK.

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The only time the leccy company are gonna question your usage is when you don't pay your bills on time. As long as you don't take the piss you'll be fine.

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  • 4 weeks later...

yea, i am in the process of negating the expences of a grow. i am thinking about taking on the task soon BUT, i am in the US. anyone out there firmiliar with the chances of a spike calling attention to the authorities are, here?

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ROFL!!!!! - sorry mate, just had hysterics at a yank wondering if a manky little hps is gonna get the plod choppers hovering!! In the land where consumption is good! - c'mon, your electric toothbrush would probably flatten an entire English power station! To put it in perspective, 400w equals four ordinary domestic light bulbs - it would be reasonable for you to have installed much more than that to ensure outside security, burning during the night - you could have an immersion heater running at night, soaking up many times 400w - take a leaf out of the Aussie's book - "no worries mate!" :ouch:

Webby - if there's a cooker, even running it on a very low setting absolutely eats current - what's to say you aren't addicted to well-stewed porridge, cooked overnight in the oven? :bush:

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ohhhh goodness graciouse. i can only imagine!

my apologies. i had no idea i was in such a very very small minded place.

my perspective- i amoving out into a small apartment with a few friends. i happen to know the lady that lived there before hand was alone. one person. then i think shite, 2 people plus a grow. i was stoned, and i read this whole post, it set a perfect scene for my dumb paranoia to set.

GOODNESS> that was great. after the first 2 lines of your reply i was laughing too man. i still am. i wonder if it will ever stop.

thanks guys. sorry for my ignorance.

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yea 400w wont cause the entire swat team storming into your house and all. I agree with farmweb.....400w is just like 4 ordinary light bulbs so it is no big deal.

But I think that I wouldnt be getting a letter/visit from authorities since I used to leave my computer on 24/7 without shutting it down. Now that I do shut it down and use it for about 3 hours at most a day the 400w MH I have is just replacing my computer watt usage....


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Even in the US, its easy to hide the power consumption of the odd HPS light behind ordinary household appliances. 15-20 years ago, when mean consumption was a fraction of what it is now, it may well have been possible to spot a spike, after someone installed a 1kW HPS. These days, its impossible. Even a small room A/C will draw around 1kW by itself. Fridges and freezers also draw more than you'd expect, and run 24/7.

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