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Plant Magic Granuals


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Hi fellow Uk420'ers,

Ive just been given some plant magic granules to use but the thing is my plants are ready to go into there final pots 11ltr so is it worth using the granules at all?

In previous pot ups i have been using rootgrow granules with every potting and my roots are naturally already inoculated with tricoderma. So the only thing id be getting from the PM-Granules is nitrogen fixers will these microbes breed if fed properly and are they mobile, so that i will see a benifit from the PM-granules use. thanx

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Ive just been given some plant magic granules to use but the thing is my plants are ready to go into there final pots 11ltr so is it worth using the granules at all?

Definitely worthwhile using them at EVERY potting up. It's not too late to innoculate before the final pot, so deffo do it. I won't grow without them now....hugely impressed with them. Great results in side-by-sides too, so it's not just hot air and BS :)


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Thanx for the support guys im gonna heavily dose the plants with em before final pots just ran up and took a look at the little guys and noticed a spot of lsf as i left the my waste and cuttings bin open it must have been wafting spores all over them for a day or two but they have fought it off anyway...........

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