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How Will A Plant Look If You Get Too Much Flies?


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If you grow plants using coco and get like several hundreds of flies/flie caterpillars that lives among the roots, I guess the plant will get severly damaged. How will you notice this on the plants? Will they go yellow, brown, start to hang or just stop growing or ... what do you think?

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sounds like you have fungas gnats they munch on the roots and will cause a loss in yield they are easy enough to get rid of though get yourself a bottle of gnat off its about £15 a bottle but worth every penny i've had them a couple of times myself and this stuff cleared them up every time.

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ant powder kills them.im going to try it on 1 plant to see how it go,s . i need to know how mutch ant powder to use per pot? im thinking of 1 teaspoon per plant ,sprinculed on top of the soil and water in. :unsure:

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Get some Gnat off as soon as mate,these little feckers can cause all kinds of nasty shit.

Never mind them having a jimmy chung at yer roots man!!!! :yep:

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i tried that gnat off and it kills the eggs not the flys..and at 15 to 20 pound a bottle.its not worth the cash.you can get sum yellow fly traps to catch the flying 1,s .and use a 1 inch of washed sharp sand on top of your pots ,to kill the eggs .ive used the bud clear as a spray from g den center and it killed the fekers . but as i said withnail said to use ant powder ? but how mutch ,and at about 2 pound per bottle its a lot cheaper to! come on peeps any1 use ant powder ? and calling withnail ,how mutch ant powder to use m8 in a 5 to 10l pot of soil :yep:

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Guest papaduc

Ant powder? Are you shitting me? Fuck that. What's the active ingredient in it, and is it safe for human consumption? I seriously doubt it.

Wouldn't hydrogen peroxide work?

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Use a combo of yellow sticky traps and either NilNat (by Canadian Xpress) or GnatOff. The traps catch the adults, the NilNat/GnatOff will kill the eggs.

You must use it regularly for a few weeks to make sure you break the cycle. One off applications won't do jack shit.


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i had these along with spider mites

sprayed the plants and grow area with iso alcohol once and then a couple of sprays with sb invigorator onto the plants this seems to have got rid of both pests as there is no signs of either now

i also flea bombed my drobe with the plants taken out and the extraction off to, this was then extracted out into the surrounding room for a few hours

all looking clear for now

peppi :B):

Edited by Peppi
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I had gnats.

Firstly I used my heated prop and put water in that and turned it on.

It seemed to dry the adults into the water to death.

I did buy that gnat off and it worked a treast well worth the £16 IMO.

Tell you what I will sell you the remander on the bottle if you want for £10

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Fungus gnats carry nasties such as fusarium and pythium. If you want an organic method apart from sharp sand, neem fertiliser is fanfuckingtastic. Been used for 1000s of years in India as anti feeding anti ovulating effective deterrent. Deters thrips too! Bonus!

Top dress the pots. Search for Greenit Neem Fertiliser. I also use a neem spray.

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