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Nuwts For Coco


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hi lads doing a coco grow next got a few questions bout nuwts

im starting them in small rockwall cubes first can i use forulex instaed off canna start????

ive seen a canna package to get all the nuwts and 50l off coco but im seeing some are using this hammer head or what ever instaed off pk13/14

what do i buy?????????????

cheers bob

(ps going for a jack 47 grow) :yep:

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Hey Bob,

I have used rockwool cubes with formulex its absolutely fine.

I also use Hammerhead instead of a "canna" pk, again no probs at all. I have used canna nutes and also used various others, have just moved onto Plant Magic so will see how they go! alot cheaper than Canna thats for sure!!!

so you'll need A Grow nute and a Bloom nute (Canna Coco A and B, Plant Magic A and B, etc) some Zyme (Hygrozyme, Cannazyme) some Root stuff (rhizotonic) supervit, Silicon (i use budlink) Hammerhead or another PK and maybe a booster, I have got Plant Magic boost. Think thats it! :)

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hi peddy

i have started seeds from rockwall befor was seeing if i could use formulex then go to coco nuwts or is it best to use a coco starter if there is one

mill def right nthis down and get them

cheers bob

Edited by Owderb
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when I do seeds I just pop them straight into a very small pot with some coco in it, with a weak solution of formulex and root nutrient. normally takes em about 3 - 5 days to pop up, then straight under the light. havent ever done seeds in rockwool cubes but imagine it would be ok! :)

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Guest papaduc

Canna start is just Canna's answer to Formulex.

So, yes, Formulex is ok, probably better.

As for what you "need" really, you don't actually need that much.

If you haven't bought any nutes yet, start simple. You actually only `need` a grow nute and a bloom nute. That's it. I would say get a root stim and a first feed, like formulex, too.

Enzymes, silicon, boosters etc, are optional. Make sure you've got everything else you need, like a good PH pen, good extraction and intake, etc, before you get these extras.

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