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Alcoholism And M/j


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hi guys,i've not posted in this forum before,but as a recovering alcoholic would'nt i be able to apply for medi/weed,or is the criteria for medi/weed biased only to physical need.i have been recovering a day at a time for 5 years,and in that time i've been panic struck a few times when i knew i was down to my last couple of grams i would pay anything,as long as i got some m/j somewhere.now i'm growing,i hope to be self reliant,but if i was desperate,would i qualify,i dont know?as m/j has been the drug that helps me,i was wondering if there are many recovering alcoholic's on uk420? i have no doubt i would'nt have survived without my son's introduction to m/j 5 years ago,i also attend alcoholics anonymous and now have a relatively happy family life, so guys how many more has it helped to come back to living again?cheers and kind regards to all sufferers,twinkle :wassnnme:

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same same here twinkle,

I'm recovering from reumatic pains. day by day

no weed means bad pain.

weed means I can do the things I want to but

one step at the time.

I work for two. no weed no work at all.Just pain hot baths try to make

a day go by.

weed is a miracle.


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hi Twinkle,

err .. let me introduce myself to those who don't already know me. My name is Labrat and I am an alcoholic ... lol Nahh ... no offence meant. I did go to a few aa meetings but definitely not my cup of tea. Still, it's only about what works for the person. Good on all of us!

as a recovering alcoholic would'nt i be able to apply for medi/weed,or is the criteria for medi/weed biased only to physical need

not sure about who or what you mean by applying for it? Do you mean the Sativex pharmaceutical trial, (if so the answer's no - entry would be based on strict medical criteria), or something else? more :blub: ?

i've been panic struck a few times when i knew i was down to my last couple of grams i would pay anything,as long as i got some m/j somewhere.

yup, know exactly what you mean and I've not been toking regularly as long as you. The anxiety gets you so wound up you're looking for any excuse to blow, and it eases off as soon as you're on its trail .. (maybe not always mind lol how does a 2 hour tour of some of a certain north-east town's more or less salubrious crack houses in the company of a pair of, ahemm.. ladies of the night, at christmas, sound to you? ;) ).

so guys how many more has it helped to come back to living again?

don't know about this. Much as I love this hobby and the herb, a part of me can't help but consider this to be akin to relapse. It may not be alcohol, but it appears my use may be a bit more than casual .... How do your fellow aa members react when you tell them about your hobby/use, or do you keep it quiet?

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Had a relapse with alcohol 5 weeks ago. :puke: Smoking weed definitely helps to keep me mellow and sober, from one drug anyway. :magic: But booze is a killer while mj lets me wake fresh next morning. :beer:

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hi guys,great to hear from like minded people,we are a breed apart i can understand anyone relapsing with alcohol,i was battling for 3 years by trying the usual easier methods ie first stop gp next alcohol advisory agency next shrinks next the priory next nearly suicide! then m/j and AA,that was 5 years ago january 1999,i hav'nt had a chocolate liquer since then.m/j really does take away the crazy thoughts i used to have,labrat good to hear you bud,i dont share that i use m/j at AA meetings,i'm there to recover from booze nothing else,but most importantly i am slowly finding out who I am,i have a great life today,and i hope all you guys recovering have a wonderful day,1 day at a time :ninja:lol twinkle lol

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just for the record, i used to get dragged along to al-anon every week, now i`m a prospective AA candidate.

i must confess to disliking the AA groups :ninja:

tho i can see how it benifits some ppl/familys, it contributed to breaking my family up as much as the aclohol did.

each to their own lol

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Doctors see an alcoholic a day - but there's no more cash to help

Jamie Doward and Jo Revill

Sunday February 29, 2004

The Observer

The Government has been accused of ignoring an impending health crisis after it emerged last night that a long-awaited report into combating alcohol misuse rules out more cash for treating people with drink problems.

Ministers were accused of capitulating to big business after Whitehall sources revealed that the Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy, to be published on 12 March, also rules out slapping tobacco-style compulsory health warnings on drink.

Alcohol awareness groups reacted with dismay to the news and said that, according to the Government's own figures, alcohol misuse cost £20 billion a year in lost productivity and NHS bills - while drugs misuse cost £18.8 billion. Yet only £95 million a year was spent treating alcoholics compared with £500 million a year treating people with drugs problems.

Health workers say this lack of cash has led to an acute shortage of detox beds and rehabilitation clinics, which means obtaining treatment is often a lottery, based on where an alcoholic lives. While the average GP sees 360 patients a year who are misusing alcohol, in fewer than 5 per cent of cases is there any kind of intervention - partly because of the shortage of centres where patients can be sent for appropriate help.

To news there would be no extra cash for treatment, Peter Martin, chief executive officer of Addaction, which helps people with drug and alcohol problems, said: 'If this is the case, then we are very worried at the shortsightedness of some in government. We are concerned about what the consequences of doing nothing now will mean for future generations.'

A survey of alcohol users, to be published by Addaction next month, has found a 20-year gap between people developing a drink problem and seeking treatment. The gap has fuelled an alarming rise in alcohol-related deaths.

Government statistics show that in 1980 alcohol accounted for 2 per cent of deaths among 15-to-44-year-olds. Now it accounts for 7 per cent of deaths among men and 6 per cent among women. Among young men especially, there has been a sharp rise in premature alcohol-related deaths - from 2,101 in 1993 to 3,800 in 2001.

The Government had mooted forcing the drinks industry to finance alcohol awareness campaigns and print health warnings. But those who have seen the report say the Government has opted to let the industry - which contributes £7 billion a year to the Treasury - draw up its own voluntary code of good practice.

The climbdown follows a battle between the Department of Trade and Industry and the Home Secretary, David Blunkett, who favoured regulation.

Addaction's Martin said: 'We think some in government take this issue very seriously and want to see the industry do far more. But government has probably got to encourage the drinks industry to play their part and see what they are prepared to do voluntarily. But the industry has got to share the risk that society bears on alcohol misuse.'

The drinks firm Diageo had recently spent £100 million advertising Smirnoff vodka worldwide. One-eighth of this would purchase beds in detox for two weeks for 15,000 people.

One way of targeting alcohol misuse would be to increase taxation to the point where it impacts on sales. The idea is outlined in a report, Calling Time: The nation's drinking as a major health issue, to be published this week by the Academy of Medical Sciences.

Professor Michael Marmot, chair of the Academy's working group and a renowned expert on alcohol policy, said the report would demonstrate the link between the growing alcohol consumption in the UK and anti-social behaviour. But it concludes that increasing levels of heavy drinking 'are not irreversible', and points to initiatives that produced a marked shift in behaviour, such as the drink-driving campaigns of the Eighties and Nineties, which made it socially unacceptable to drink before getting behind the wheel of a car.

Last year the Chancellor froze, for a sixth Budget, the duty on spirits, but put 1p on a pint of beer and 4p on a bottle of wine. This means that the average family in Britain now spends around £112 a year on alcohol duty.

Although many public health officials would like to see taxes rise further, the move would be unpopular with the public, who feel that alcoholic drinks are expensive compared with the rest of Europe.

The drinks industry has argued that higher British prices simply increase smuggling and also help wine importers.


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Me too Twinkle

I wasn't an alcoholic, so much as an alcohol abuser.... but I definitely replaced my booze with mj, 3 years ago now. Well done and good luck to those who still struggle.... just today...

Blessings, Puck

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I'm like Puck, though I prolly would abuse whatever I could get my hands on to get out of unwanted mental states lol

I can't stand not getting stoned everyday. I am a MJ addict :D But if I weren't it would be booze or something else, probably... I find meditation to be a god-send for a lot of reasons.

Regarding running out of the herb; I would have gone anywhere to get some MJ when I had to buy it ;) Nowadays I have leaf and air buds that I store in the freezer for emergencies (actually now that I have discovered the benefits of curing I am doing that from now on!)

This is the first time I have run out of bud for years and although I have to smoke shite until my next plant ripens am much more relaxed about the whole thing than I would be if I had to chase down a dealer.

Twinkle et al, maybe you should get together a co-op or support group to help each other out in times of dry?

regards, BN

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I can't drink, luckily. My mum is chinese, and I inherit her allergic reaction to alcohol.

If i have half a pint, I go *bright* red all over...... arms, chest, back, face... everything. Can even see my heart beating through my jumper, get a splitting headache & am inevitably very ill.

I'm a bit of a cadbury kid as I never drink, I don't even let my mates talk me into having a shot of spirits these days

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i am only 20 years old and going from college and been drunk most nights,

i am now jobless and drunk everynight, last night like many other nights i found myself with head in toilet,

'wtf am i doing this to myself for?' thats what i was thinking and well tbh i dont fucking know!

so now its weekends only for teh alcohol, in moderation too, if at all

and keep it strictly to mj during the week!! as that seems to stop the urge to drink for me!

good luck to anyone with this addiction, its alcohol that should be illegal not mj


lol CSX ;)

p.s start a job tomorrow only temp but should keep the bills @ bay till i get a good one

Edited by ChopSueyX
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im more of a periodic liver destroyer than a steady drinker. 9 shots of jaegermeister last night then sledging in a paddling pool.it was alright till we (there were 3 of us) hit a wall...


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