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Prepping Your Patch.....

Bad Penny.

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started mine a few weeks ago ... 5 by 6 foot ............... cleared the area of bracken  ferns etc ... dug down about 18 inches or so added coco and turned it all over .....  added  blood fish and bone,  seaweed...  chicken pellets  and turned it all over ready ....a few good bags of compost hidden  there ready  also the cages and poles for them all there hidden and ready to go .....

  looking at possibly 3 other sites too of the same size  ( ish )   growing as many high cbd strains as i can to make oil  for a family member with cancer .....  if i manage get a bit of plot spare  i will throw in a few high thc strains too ... just for me    :skin_up:

Edited by vortex
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first day of prep for me today  20 holes dug over and given some 6x ferts an chiken poop raining hard will soak it all in nicely i hope,, good to get back out there  but man i gotta get full size shoval all this kneeling an diggin  too much feel like im on hawai 5 0 or some lol 

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I find myself in a difficult position. I've two spots which are close together.  At spot 'A' i found some unknown footprints that aren't mine( i have to leave this) So today, i checked spot B which is prepped and ready to go ! In the entrance i noticed that a clump of brambles had been ripped down. FUCKING FUCK. Definitely man made. Both areas are compromised as far as i'm concerned. I was going to plant 30 / 40 plants in that spot B. I have two back plots but they are miles away and a pain to get to. I'm gonna set my game cam up in spot B to be double sure. F**kIng f**K

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10 hours ago, Tommy tucker said:

I find myself in a difficult position. I've two spots which are close together.  At spot 'A' i found some unknown footprints that aren't mine( i have to leave this) So today, i checked spot B which is prepped and ready to go ! In the entrance i noticed that a clump of brambles had been ripped down. FUCKING FUCK. Definitely man made. Both areas are compromised as far as i'm concerned. I was going to plant 30 / 40 plants in that spot B. I have two back plots but they are miles away and a pain to get to. I'm gonna set my game cam up in spot B to be double sure. F**kIng f**K

Why definitely humans at plot B ? Could it have been a sheep taking shelter in the snow and cold? Brambles are horrible things to deal with as we all know. Have a closer look for wool, fur, prints or other clues. Saying that though I wouldn’t want to chance a numbers plot if you’re not 100% happy. 

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prepping well before nature gets going is asking for it im afraid.

spots stick out like a sore thumb with no surrounding vegitation.

probably another grower but you cant trust any fucker these days..

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This is the first year I'll be putting a few plants out. I'm a bit nervous. Seeing how active the Spanish are with sports & outdoor activities. Always bump into some randomer in the most remote hillside. 

Edited by Welsh Tom
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Last year was my first proper guerrilla  attempt. three plots, two right next to each other, from a round a meter square to 60cm square.


prep was minimal, turned the soil 6 weeks before plant out, dug in some organic soil improver and added some rock dust and worm humus. added some biotabs guerrilla pellets later in the season. plants did alright but this year im trying to prep just a tad more and at many more sights than before


the native plants are mostly jaggy trees, those spindly green trees with the black seed pods (like black peas) that go POP in the heat and those fucking horrible barbed vines that grow like the clappers and ant to entangle everything. think they-re brambles... there is not a nettle to be seen ANYWHERE around here (seriously farmed land) and i think the soil may be more acidic than alkaline...


already turned a few of the plots, plan now is to lime and leave it a bit, then dig in organic soil improver laced with Q4 slow release pelets by the end of the month then plant out mid to late may...


so i ask you, more knowledgeable and experienced peeps, does that sound reasonable? and how much lime to add? couple of handfuls per plot? 


any advice/thoughts/opinions or ideas welcomed...

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I have. Just moved 5 bags of soil , tools , cages and other grow bit to new spot. It was a freaking slog are tell you now.

@Clean Green

 So i set up my game cam last week. I decided to pop back and take it home to check the sd card for any signs. I recorded a 30 second recording to two guys looking walking very close to the entrance of my plot. I found some of my kit moved round and a bamboo cane placed into the my stuff.

I'd upload the video to show you guys if i could work out how to do that. Well pissed about that. Amazing well hidden south facing spot with perfect soil. Game cam saved my ass!

Edited by Tommy tucker
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On 3/29/2018 at 11:50 PM, stu sleeper 20vt said:

prepping well before nature gets going is asking for it im afraid.

spots stick out like a sore thumb with no surrounding vegitation.

probably another grower but you cant trust any fucker these days..

Yeah man. Lesson learnt ,if i had not been working on the spot recently they'd never found the entrance. Its cool tho i'm back in the game. I spent 4 hours today prepping a new south facing beauty.

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Finished prepping 2 of 4 plots tonight, fell headfirst into a pile of brambles cut the shit out my ears/face/neck looks like ive just had a ruck with a cat! Also got the biggest nettle stings on my wrists from crawling through my tunnel, there fuckin huge blistery bastards! 

Any how, done now ready for planting, last 2 plots fin by end of week. Tick tock tick tock, not long now! 

Edited by Russjackell
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On 28/03/2018 at 9:16 PM, Tommy tucker said:

I find myself in a difficult position. I've two spots which are close together.  At spot 'A' i found some unknown footprints that aren't mine( i have to leave this) So today, i checked spot B which is prepped and ready to go ! In the entrance i noticed that a clump of brambles had been ripped down. FUCKING FUCK. Definitely man made. Both areas are compromised as far as i'm concerned. I was going to plant 30 / 40 plants in that spot B. I have two back plots but they are miles away and a pain to get to. I'm gonna set my game cam up in spot B to be double sure. F**kIng f**K



easy way to check if its safe  mate is  to put a little scattered pile of  5p  10p  and copper coins  near the  path that leads to the enterence ...  if theyre gone   the next week ....   find somewhere else  :yep:

Edited by vortex
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