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Prepping Your Patch.....

Bad Penny.

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  • 7 months later...

Prepping all year bro it doesnt stop, wether it being adding to my compost piles or finding more more plots and making clearing for next year :D

I still gotta add at 1 plot though it should have been done months ago :headpain:

Edited by whats_luring
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got a ton of work to do to my 2 plots, 1 of which isn't even cleared out yet :wallbash:

When are you lads planning on planting outside?

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Been down to my plot today farmerwiz and done a few hours work a few more tomorrow uswell , gunna start them off indoor then plant outside at about 12days,still hvent even ordered my beans yet haha!

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just cleared my first "proper" Blackthorn patch :headpain:

It made me value my sight a great deal more than i did this morning! also my site as no F**k**'s gonna be getting at these ladies in a hurry! free cage stakes/barbs is a bonus :smug:

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dug this lot over today (you'd think i'd get some sleep after but that, but no... i need to grow some heavy indica i think!)


going to introduce a load of well rotted horse shit on the next visit. probably in a week or two.

Tigs :yinyang:

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Lovely plot tigseyjnr i imagine you are going to get numbers in there or just a few biggens ?

I hope no1 walks past that fence mate unless its yours..

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ill be starting in 2 weeks maybe before, luckily for me i just got to do some weed whacking and hole digging not to much really more getting the soil to the site being the bitch. last years patch the stems just got got a chop. do think the roots left to rot will help with planting in the same spot...sounds like it makes sense. :/

also wanna give mulching a bash. any one know if this is good and worth doing?

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Im going to be so behind this season :wallbash: , i'm abroad and will be up on till late next month so will definitely be off pace with you guys :(

My spot still needs abit of tlc, soil & seeds haven't been ordered yet either so i will have to be in overdrive once i get back :headpain:

Just out of curiosity, how many plants you planning on doing in that patch you got there Tigs? spot seems kinda out in the open, but i'm sure you know what your doing :bong:

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Lovely plot tigseyjnr i imagine you are going to get numbers in there or just a few biggens ?

I hope no1 walks past that fence mate unless its yours..

thanks dude.

unfortunatly, it's not all for mj, just the strip at the back, and a patch in the far left corner. i've been given the space in return for digging the patch over. hopefully i'll be allowed to put about 6 plants there (but i'm pushing for more :v:)

it's a mate's patch. the field that backs onto it is for horses, and he knows the owner. it's on safe land :band:

spot seems kinda out in the open but i'm sure you know what your doing :bong:

to be honest, it looked alot more open than i remember it being. but it grows up pretty wild through spring, and i know it's a safe spot.

there's a stream running behind the patch, no-one but horses and my mate use the field, there's already hawthorn fashioned as fences, and there will be veg growing there too.

Tigs :yinyang:

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Im going to be so behind this season :wallbash: , i'm abroad and will be up on till late next month so will definitely be off pace with you guys :(

My spot still needs abit of tlc, soil & seeds haven't been ordered yet either so i will have to be in overdrive once i get back :headpain:

Just out of curiosity, how many plants you planning on doing in that patch you got there Tigs? spot seems kinda out in the open, but i'm sure you know what your doing :bong:

Don't stress to much i have arrived back in UK on 10th may and still pulled decent harvest all i did before was lug few bags of mpc in handy places.

Rest was done in may early june on return.


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Hi GGers been out 1 night in Feb to dig 50 holes at 1 plot :eek: it took up a lot of space & I have now convinced my partner that 30 plants will be the most we plant this year..... but you all know how we love to start more as the last go outside :smokin:

Anyway, I didn't get any photos it is too open & too dark at 2am ;) but I was out this morning at 6am & have 1 or 2. Would of taken more but my hands were dirty & didn't wanna keep taking my phone out my pocket...

Start of with a long walk, a new route if the times right :yep:


I bagged about 30ltrs of well rotted chicken & horse manure :) 10ltrs for each hole...


And we (different partner to the 50 planter) also grabbed the cages from the stash, along with the slug protectors. We dug out the roots from last years plants, put in the manure, than backfilled with the soil we dug out. We will take that back out when we return with a coco brick for each hole. I'm going the add fbb with th coco bricks so hopefully it will soak into the coco as it swells in the rain :) there is also a patato planter there from last year, so I'm thinking an auto in that too, let's hope the think different arrive for that :) any way here's how I left the plot not too long ago....


Fresian Dew in all 3 holes & think different in the planter :yep: this is my only, all female plot.

See you around & crack on with the prep, its not long before we go planting....

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  • 10 months later...
Guest Schiphol

The definitive thread on Preparation

For anyone with any questions regarding preparation then spend a few hours reading this and they will no doubt be answered here

For reading the thread has made my mind clearer as to my intentions, methods and plans for the season ahead

Special thanks to Bad Penny for the thread and words of inspiration :wink:

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No thanks needed for me S,everyone who has contributed positively to any thread on this forum makes it what it is,a forum is only as good as its members,we are lucky in that everyone throws their pebbles into the pond here,we all read the ripples and cherrypick whats applicable to our styles and plots :yinyang: Memebers have come and gone,old names have dissapeared and new faces replaced them on this thread,spooky huh :D

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