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Headaches Anyone Know A Way To Cure Naturaly?

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Rub an Ice Cube in the palm of ur hand.. run clockwise in the palm of theside that hurts.. ( ur left side of head, then ur left pal..)lots of main nurvs run from back of spinal cord to arms and hands..

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Farmwebs theory works for me too,

like MJ says too I use lavender oil in an oil burner,

I also use Tiger Balm...rub on temples and a small dab on the 3rd eye works a treat for me...

some deep breathing is alwasys worth a go...eases tension... ;)

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Enigmatic one has a very good point re: orgasms, without wishing to be crude (and bearing in mind I'm single), a quick visit with pam & her 5 sisters often improves matters immeasurably (endorphins are a natural pain madicine, after all).

Just a thought (doesn't help much if you get a headache when you're at work or out & about though ;) )

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Guest abstract1

So the age old excuse "not tonight I've got a headache" should be totally redundant I guess - I wonder why it's been used so much (?) :puke::smug:

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Enigmatic one has a very good point re: orgasms, without wishing to be crude (and bearing in mind I'm single), a quick visit with pam & her 5 sisters often improves matters immeasurably (endorphins are a natural pain madicine, after all).

Phew.....thank god i'm not the only one!

doesn't help much if you get a headache when you're at work or out & about though  )

Yes it's a major drawback!!

And hey....if it doesn't help, never mind eh, is fun trying!!

EO :smug:

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My two cents as Kent Brockman says.....

Tiger Balm may help

Relaxation - try a warm bath (by candle light even?) or lying on a bed/sofa/floor in a gentle light either quietly or with some gentle music.

Avoiding cheese/chocolate - as MJ has said above, make a diary and see if there is any connection between what goes in the mouth and the headache (so to speak.........)

Check stress levels, is there anything that might be triggering them.

Is the mind and heart in agreement - they may be being caused by an inner conflict of interests which is causing emotions and in turn a headache.

Will try and think abit more about this but wouldn't recommend doctors medicine. They would recommend shoving donkey-poo up your bum if they could make money out of it! Good luck, hope something here and on the boards may help with your suffering.



Purple is a fruit - Homer Jay Simpson
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Guest Red Dragon
Enigmatic one has a very good point re: orgasms, without wishing to be crude (and bearing in mind I'm single), a quick visit with pam & her 5 sisters often improves matters immeasurably (endorphins are a natural pain madicine, after all).

Bloody woman has SO many headaches......and now I know why! :cowboy:

Best take this case of aspirins back to the shop and exchange it for a box of vitamins+Ginseng :med: !



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A few months ago I was visiting a physio therapist for a repetetive strain injury and one day I came in complaing of headaches and she showed me a technique that really does work . Apparently the muscles in your neck roughly where it joins the base of your skull are more often than not the cause of tension related headaches , if these muscles are tense and bunched up then there's your problem , a few minutes massaging the area to release the tension can work wonders .

Edited by Lizard
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  • 4 weeks later...


I have suffered with headaches on and off over the years, I think there are many causes for headaches but the majority i think have in common the fact that they are down to lifestyle.

I have worked out alot of causes of my headaches and now I treat them more as an alert.

Cheese and chocolate

Driving for long hours especially at night

Sitting at an angle to my PC monitor

Bad posture

And build up of stress.

Cures I have found that keep my head free of pain are,

When I start to get to the moody part of a migrain (a day or 2 before the outbreak) I massage my shoulders and neck, mainly right shoulder and side of neck, Even with a migrain, massaging this area acts like a tap releasing the pressure from my temples and eyes,

Cut right down on Dairy products,

Cut down on caffine,

Lots of stretching.

Spannering one off daily.

Smoke a fair bit of weed too, allthough I have been smoking for the last 15 years only recently have I smoked to enjoy rather than to get away from my troubles.

Good Luck :smoke:

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Sometimes this works for me for an almost instant cure. depending on how bad the headache is.

Run the cold water tap for a few minutes till its really cool and then place your wrists into the flow for a good minute or so till they start to tingle with the cold.

Ive been told that this can cool the blood down which will relieve tension.

It works for me most of the time if I remember to do it.

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I used to get serious Migraines when I was at school. Nobody ever belived how bad they were. So I totally feel for ya!

I went to a "Specialist" in london from when I was about 9 years old till I was 17. They had me on all kinds of medication, different diets and things like that. Luckily they cleared up once I got into 6th form. So I think they were all to do with my raging hormone's! (I'm a randy bugger I guess!) :wassnnme:

But some of the things which eased them for a while were: -

Cutting out dairy products (even Chocolate!),

Doing lots more exercise (always a good thing!),

Meditating before you go to sleep (trying to de-stress I guess)

Cut out Caffine (coffee, fizzy drinks, everything that has it in!)

Also Get your eye's tested (if I don't wear my glasses I get them now & then under floresent lights, and sat infront of the CPU). Go to the dentist as well you may have a slight Cross bite? Or like one of the other suffer's grind your teeth! He was cured by just wearing a gum shield at nite (apparantly it made him dribble on the pillow though!).

Good luck with the pain mate, but please do go and get check out.

Headaches can be symtoms of much bigger problems :smoke:


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