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Headaches Anyone Know A Way To Cure Naturaly?

Highest Grade

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Well the title says it all really. i am quite a headache prone person :smoke::) and i'm not to keen on talking pills to cure them, does anyone know of a way to cure it naturally?

i have but i dont like doing it is having a smoke it does SOMETIMES help but i dont like it really.

Cheers Highest Grade

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Here are some non-pill things that sometimes work:

Cold wet towel resting on the forehead

head massage

eating a meal

taking a shower

rubbing vicks into forehead

Avoiding stress

sitting in a dark quiet room

avoid too much caffeine/chocolate/any items you are sensitive too

We have tried feverfew which is supposedly a herbal headache cure but it didn't really help.

Are you male or female?

I have had lots of experience trying to help wifey when she has a migraine :smoke: hence coming up with wierd ideas like vicks, I am fortunate I dont suffer often from headaches but co-incidentally I was out of action for a few hours today with a nasty one but mostly ok now :)

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splay your hand, palm down - stick your thumb out so its making a roughly 90 degree angle with your forefinger - in the apex of that angle, you will find a tender point (its in "the web" - just where the thumb bones join the rest of the hand bones). Massage it with the corner of your thumb for a minute or two - then do the same on the other hand. It is the acupuncture "colon 4" point, it is a major pain relief point for the whole body, massaging it is performing gentle acupressure - its safe, and it works! :smoke:

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Very good tip by farmweb.

What kinda headaches do you get - I've been plagued with sinus headaches my whole life, herb definitely helps those (but here's something not many folks know, smoking tobacco makes sinus headaches MUCH worse because nicotine causes the blood vessels to contract/dilate - not sure which- but the point is they increase the sinus pressure, so if they're sinus headaches & you smoke cigarettes, think about quitting, I am). Also if they're sinus headaches, I find if you press your thumb into the middle of your forehead, hard, and then push it up to the back of your head, still applying pressure, kinda sliding it back over your scalp, the pain eases. If they aint sinus, I dunno, sorry.

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thanks for the reply boojum, i havent been to the doctor i just live with it, i gues i should go to the doc. again that also helped, but agin it could also be the pill i took.

Thabnks again highest grade

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mickle i'm male

Just asking because some women have extra headache problems that can be helped by the contraceptive pill.

You probably wouldn't want to start taking those though :ouch:

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if you've got any ongoing health problem, don't waste time with your local drug peddler (doctor) - seek out a real cure with Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, you've probably got an imbalance that can be remedied easily and safely with acupuncture! ;)

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Guest abstract1
Just asking because some women have extra headache problems that can be helped by the contraceptive pill

The combined pill can also be the cause of headaches too - I had to come off it as I started getting migraines for the first time in my life - apparently if you've been on it a while this isn't uncommon! ;)

I use the technique farmweb has described - works pretty well most of the time, although occasionally I have to resort to pills!

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yeah the massage head did help. my headaches aren't usually very painfull but they can be, and then i resort to pills but that was a help!

Cheers everyone Highest Grade

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look to your diet

keep a journal of food headache see if theres a pattern

hoover carpets beds etc incase you have a dust mite pooh sensitivity

pure lavender oil on temples and drawn over sinus

only after a test patch on inner elbow to see if you have a sensitivity or not

and there is no history of epilepsy in the gentic family

fresh air

cammomile tea

menthol as same as lavender oil

or a mix of both

good luck


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Highest Grade,

I suffer from headaches too, both migraine and "normal" headaches, sometimes my headaches are caused by eye strain...e.g. if I sit at the PC for any length of time then go to sit and watch TV, a headache can develop....I've always thought that this was due to the massive change in focus! A spliff usually helps me with this type.....but I do think that it works a bit like the "gas and air" you get while in labour.....as it is not so much of a pain suppressant as a distraction. In other words, I still have the headache....but don't give a shit anymore!!! ;)

The migraines I get are a different story tho.....these are linked to my menstrual cycle and are stress related too!

I used to have a relaxation tape which was the dogs dangly bits for them. It basically encouraged you to lie in a quiet dark room and REALLY concentrate on other parts of your body and the sensations and feelings there by tensing and relaxing your muscles. I found that a spliff helped with this too as I find it can help to concentrate the mind! (also helped with the nausea that accompanies my migraine attacks) I know this is not a very practical solution if you are out shopping or summat at the time.

I have another method of getting rid of a headach too.....ahem...bit embarrassing....but a good orgasm has been known to get rid of a banging migraine too!!....(well you did ask for natural....)

Drinking water is also a great help as lotsa of peeps are walking round dehydrated from all the tea and coffee they consume, I found that when I started drinking more water my headaches decreased!!

Hope you stay pain free!!!

EO ;) @ the orgasm tip!!

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Loads of good stuff here. Just to add that feverfew is not a headache cure, but a preventative, and you need to be taking it regularly for 6 weeks or so before the effect becomes apparent. Generally suggested for folks who get regular headaches......

Great info Farmweb - about the accupressure. Thanks

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