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hey anyone play wow im just installing it all again and wondering if alot of you are on a server. im joining horde would be good if we could huck up

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I'm on the Argent Dawn server and am a Draenal Paladin. Level 29 and moving up! lol


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I gave up Warcrack, now playing Aionmethamphetimine instead! I think quite a few players have swapped over but I don't know the statistics for sure. I'm just suggesting this as an alternative as you can get in at quite an early stage IYKWIM

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Man... the amount of time i wasted on this game, not even funny...

I'll sell my level 80 to any one who wants it, people still buy characters do they? sure why not... u get to start at the END of the game and play to the.... other end... yes, im sure i make sense lol lol :rofl:

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Man... the amount of time i wasted on this game, not even funny...

Wasted? You mean you didn't enjoy it? Didn't learn a thing from it? I find game playing can teach me things. Persistence if nothing else.

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All's I learned is I pwned at the game lol Arena is what I enjoyed, I couldn't get the motivation to grind, it was my idea of hell. Guild bank paid for all my enchants etc. just learned everything about the game, everything else i learn from real life lol

had fun playing the game ofc, but i think of what i could have done or how different my life would have been if i didnt play the game at all, it's addictive! Banned in China now as well :blub:

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Yea. They say the same things about cannabis, don't they. lol

Level 30 now. :ranting:

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I tried wow for a while, it's such a hamster wheel it gets really bad lol:ranting:, I can't believe so many people keep playing it for so long...

I miss UO, that was a good game for a while, until they turned it into a hamster wheel too :angry:

Ah well

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All's I learned is I pwned at the game :D Arena is what I enjoyed, I couldn't get the motivation to grind, it was my idea of hell. Guild bank paid for all my enchants etc. just learned everything about the game, everything else i learn from real life lol

had fun playing the game ofc, but i think of what i could have done or how different my life would have been if i didnt play the game at all, it's addictive! Banned in China now as well :stoned:

:D is it really banned in china

and how could they stop people?

other then saying if your seen playing it we will shop your balls and hands off

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I tried wow for a while, it's such a hamster wheel it gets really bad lol lol,

I like exploring fantasy worlds, mythic landscapes. Beats sports all to hell. :B): Also, I'm a fantasy artist and story teller. So it's research! :wink:

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I used to play the old RTS games of warcraft so naturally i moved on to the rpg, though I gave it up some time ago i have now renewed my account due to the recent patch making it very casual play friendly and also the baddy of wc3 arthas(aka the lich king) is now around to be fought!

It's a very epic environment with a story to boot!

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WoW isn't for gamers it a social networking site for people that are attracted to shiney things :wassnnme:

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