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Water Curing?


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I am wondering if anyone knows where I can find a Water curing process. I read about it once but now I can't find that info again... I would really like to try it as I remember it sparked my interest,, I am getting ready to harvest one of my females so is a perfect time to try it...

Peace Rycon :ninja:

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hey there,

Water curing is a method or drying tobbacco, although from what i have read it will inrease the strength of ganja (in terms of percent thc by volume), you will loose some of the thc along with all the other stuff...

Apparently it doesnt taste/smell/look nice either, OT1 be the expert but try here to have a look at wot he said,


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Hi there,

I tried this method from my first grow ( along with other methods ) mainly out of curiousity. I was very disapointed. After allowing my green to soak for hours and hours etc. then drying it, it was rough as a badgers arse. The only thing I can say I noticed from it was that it made the green very hard and brittle.

IMHO - a waste of time - stick to good old slow dry and jar curing - I now have some sweet sweet green that is six months old and very nice to smoke.

Hope that helps.


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dunno how true it was, but back in the 70's shared a flat with, amongst other freaks, a Peruvian fella - he swore that back home, ganja grew wild, they picked some, crammed it into a plastic bag, peed in it, then left it buried in hot sand for a month, supposedly giving a product somewhat akin to hash - as to how true........... ;)

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Farmweb, everytime a yank comes to Scotland and they ask if haggis is real, we tell them "yep" with a straight face. Just before xmas they did a poll - and the vast majority of US tourists asked believed haggis was real.

See, urban myths are spread and believed by many - pissing in the pot just before harvest is another one - hanging upsides down to drain the thc out of the roots lol is probably the most commonly believed (at least in my experience).

I'll put a fiver on your story being the Peruvian equivalent

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