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Wick System In Coco?

wilf whitey

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hi to all !just a quick one, would i be able to set up a wick system using coco? would this be an efficient way for a lazy grower any help would be appreciated ta.

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Yup....and in fact there's a new Wilma-like system on the market called an Octogrow made by Nutriculture that uses a wick system in pots, with all the pots suspended over a res (like a Wilma). Each of the 11l pots has a 2" hole drilled in the middle at the bottom for the towel wick to be placed and bured in your coco or soil, and that wick hangs down through the hole, into the res beneath.

Not seen any grows with it going yet but the big advantage is no timers, no valves, nothing. I would imagine if Nutriculture have just released it then it pretty much validates your question for wicking with coco. Try googling Octogrow and you should get some info.


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Hi Wilf Whitey,

from my own experiences with coco I've found that the worst thing you can do is treat it like soil, as you'll get soil like results. I've recently started using much smaller pots,with longer veg, so your almost making the plant root bound, then you want to flood those pots either bottom up or top down 3 times per day. I was using drip ,now I remove the stakes and let the nutes flow straight out of the tube viaT-pieces (16mm) and saturate the entire pot. Doing things this way I've found to increase the yield substantially so that you need far less plants and power. I've knocked my ballasts from 600 down to 400s.

Hope some of this helps mate. :blushing:

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cheers major i have been growing for a bit in soil and fancied trying a different medium/system so im completly open to the easiest way with the most yield (like everyone else ) wether it be hydo,autopots,dwc aero,wick or just the soil ,oh yeah is there a noticable taste difference ta.

Edited by Owderb
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i find taste is really down to the individual, organic is supposed to be best, but so long as you don't over do it with the nutes taste shouldn't be affected.

I've got some Jack47 seeds , I think i'm going to do a grow diary cos theres a few other ideas that I'm going to try out with coco.

Again wilf ,don't treat coco as soil, treat it as any other hydroponic medium and it'll rewards you with heavier yields.

Good luck mate :wink:

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i find taste is really down to the individual, organic is supposed to be best, but so long as you don't over do it with the nutes taste shouldn't be affected.

I've got some Jack47 seeds , I think i'm going to do a grow diary cos theres a few other ideas that I'm going to try out with coco.

Again wilf ,don't treat coco as soil, treat it as any other hydroponic medium and it'll rewards you with heavier yields.

Good luck mate :B):

thanks mate just gottaget offme arse now thanks again

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Hi ,

I normally hand water coco and if I go on holydays or I'm gonna be away for a few days I have put the with ropes hanging into a reservoir and they loved it. I don't know why I don't do it all the tima.

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