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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These...


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Righty-oh, here we go! Got my seeds yesterday, the strains are: Wild Rose, Flash Back #2 and Psicodelicia, which I will be growing in coco. Was hoping to use the canna coco for this grow as I've had reasonable success with it the last couple of grows, but was unable to source some locally this time so instead, sticking with the coco but new products for me, I'll be using coco pellets (like jiffy ones only coco [obviously]) and these weird looking giant disk things called crop circles.

Normally I prefer to fill 3" pots with coco, pre-feed/soak it, then germinate the seeds directly in the medium as I don't like handling the seeds too much - many's a slip twixt lip n cup and all that, but this time they will be germinated in the coco pellets, then when they root through, I'll put them into 3" or 4" pots of the crop circle stuff, which is supposed to have better aeration and help prevent over-watering compared to normal coco apparently. See how that works out as we go along, eh? I will be feeding with Canna Coco A+B throughout the entire grow, which I find easy enough to mix up at decent levels of Ph and Ec. The setup I will be using is:

Germinating in a homemade clone/seedling box (plastic storage box from £stretchers), lined with silver mylar, open-fronted to let some natural daylight and fresh air in, running a 125 blue enviro.

From there they'll be transferred to my veg tent, a Homebox S, measuring 80cmx80 square and 120cm high and running a 250MH in a diamond reflector, with a 4" ruck for extraction and passive intake through vents and an oscillating fan or two inside and acoustic ducting. This is also the intake to my flowering tent, so kind of glad they're feminized seeds this time as I don't want pollen getting sucked up and spewed into my flower tent.

The flower tent is a Homebox XL, measuring 120cmx120cm and 2 metres high, with a 600 watt diamond reflector, although as yet I haven't decided whether to use a MH or a HPS bulb, but am a long way from flowering yet, so plenty of time. The extraction in the flower tent is a 6" ruck, again with acoustic ducting. No carbon filter as yet (I know, I know), but as I say, it's early days yet and am hoping to be able to build my own using activated carbon, wood and mesh in a tiered shelf system at the outlet in the roofspace. I'll be venting out of the room into the roofspace via the 8" hole I now have in the ceiling of the spare room and for fresh air I'll also be venting into the room from the roofspace via a 5" rvk, also with acoustic ducting (it's a big roofspace).

As yet I haven't decided if I'm just going to flower them from seed, or take cuttings and flower those in a Sea of Green (my first attempt), but again I'll know better nearer the time. I'll be planting two of each seed today and keeping one of each as reserves. I'll get some pics up as soon as possible, but thought I'd better get this diary started. Meanwhile, here's some music. Take it away Ms Lennox...


Good luck everyone! :)

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Thanks folks, I recently upgraded the grow room so this will be a test run of the new setup - hopefully it'll do the job. Cost a small fortune tbh, so hope it's worth it as I'll be paying it off for the next year @ 65% interest. :yep: Cheers for the support and good wishes - best of luck with your own grows too. :nea:

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...who am I to disagree ... :yep:

Excellent... you got them seeds quick then.

Doing the wild rose and psicoldelicia myself, both looking fine and funky so far, as yours will be no doubt.

Good luck fella :nea:

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Nice to see you getting another grow on old friend :rofl:

I'll be following this one keenly if you don't mind ?

Good luck :D

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Thanks very much folks. :)

@ Mslazy, I can't promise anything, as the song says, some of them want to be abused... but I'll do my best. ;)

@ Withnail (sorry) Withers old bean, am sure your grow will be much more interesting and successful than my efforts sir, so no doubt I'll be popping in and out of your own diary to keep tabs on you and see how it should be done. Not that you'll need it but best o' luck to you squire! :smoke:

@ Felix - you're more than welcome to sit in comrade, I will undoubtedly be picking your brains on several occasions thoughout so it will be good to have your sound advice available and always greatly appreciated. Na zdorovye Tovarishch! :D

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Cheers Yev, no idea what that smilie means though, but thanks, I need all the luck I can get. Good luck to you too! :yep:

Mr Mullen, hope you're settling into the new management role ok? Had your first shitfest yet? Best of luck to you in the new job squire, you'll probably need it more than any of us tbh. And don't be letting that Withnail chap teach you any bad habits. Cheers! :D

Anyway, on with the show. Am a busy little beaver today, managed to get a few things done anyway, even managed to take some photos of latest progress. Probably the most unexciting photos you've ever seen right enough, but I didn't say they would be, so :censored: to you if you don't like them.

/me chalks off another smilie used in bid to make use of all smilies in an appropriate (or inappropriate) manner. :naughty:

Ok, first pic, which is actually the 2nd pic I took, but it didn't come out right and was even more boring than this one. As you can see in front centre we have 6 undiluted coco pellets, which I put into the basin behind them, you can see the seed packets leaning against them. The basin contains a mix of 6 litres of water and 20ml each of Canna A+B. Sorry they're a bit out of focus. :beer:


The coco pellets were then soaked in the basin for a few hours, as you can see from picture #2 below - getting too much for you? Take a break if you like, skin one up if you have any, phone a friend if you don't. My friend's been and gone as have the several hours those pellets have been soaking. The magic of technology huh? :photo:


And this is what they look like when they've been bobbing about for a while. I gave them a slight squeeze as I removed them, but it's not over yet folks, the tension is only beginning to mount believe me. :eek:


To save me time and energy, I've decided to put the seeds in the coco pellets, but, wait for it, wait for it, but then I'm going to put the coco pellets into some of that crop circle stuff I was telling you about. There's one in there soaking at the minute, although it's fairly well broken up already, it looks like wood chip to me, very coarse really, so no idea as yet as to my ability to use it. Still, that's part of the fun eh? Anyway, here's a quick pic for comparison purposes as to what one looks like dry, beside a dry coco pellet, to give you some idea of their size. Apparently they swell to abut 3 litres? :ohmygod:


Anyway, while that's in absorbing some water and nutrient solution, I'll sign off. My wife wants me to go get her some of her own drug of choice, chocolate. Thanks for stopping by. Bye for now. :)

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Thanks very much folks, your kind words and support are most appreciated. I finally went to the shop for the wife's chocolate, but added an extra mile and a half onto it by dandering up to tescos for some beer. I'm now the proud (albeit temporary) owner of about 2 grams of semi-okay green stuff and 6 bottles of Young's special London ale, so not quite bedtime yet. I did however, upon my return, plant my seeds - yay! So here's the last pic of day one, all six beans in 3" pots of the coco pellets and some of that coarse coco stuff. It's a bit compact and bijou, but I'll reserve judgement on it till the results come in, not first appearances. Here they are in their new homes, God bless them. :)


So it's goodnight from them and it's goodnight from me. Cheers UK420! You're the best! :yep:

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Well here we are five days later and they've all sprouted. the Flash Back #2 were the first up, first one within about 48 hours, the second one the next day, followed by the Wild Rose and then the Psicodelicia. The last Psicodelicia came up through the night last night, crash helmet still on, but that fell off easily when I touched it. It's still very tiny and a bit curled up but I expect it to unfurl through the day. All very small, as you can see from the pic - but have to say YAY! 6 out of 6! :unsure:


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