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Please welcome farmweb he has agreed to help out as a moderator for both the Organic and Non-Organic compost and pots forums, I want to get on with other projects. I’ll still be around to chip in but farmweb will be keeping a special eye on the day to day run of the mill Q’s backing up Mr.Bishie.

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lumme! My flabber is well and truly ghasted - thanks for this! Will do my utmost to help keep the boards the splendid place they are already - I trust the existing mods will forgive my lax interpretation of the dress code - my local army surplus shop is out of parkas, and tiger tails are as rare as hen's teeth - but the Lambretta's fun! :)lollol

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Guest Red Dragon


sorry Farmweb..I noticed your MOD status before I noticed this post.

Any-ways-up...congratulations fella. A worthy appointment I fancy!!



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hey farmweb,well done on a well deserved appointment,your help to me has been tremendous,thanks,and keep up the excellent advice etc,high regards,twinkle :guitar:

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Here's your first one then fw.

What defines organic for f' :yinyang: s sake??? I grow in a mix of peat compost stryofoam perlite vermiculite and once plants are in flowering room they sit in a tray with 2" of tomato fert,seaweed extract. :smoke:

Is that hydro or organic or soil or just a boj??? ;)

FB lol

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um erm - a total frigging Horlicks by the sound of it! I gather if we grow under artificial lights, we automatically aren't organic anyway! I long ago came to the conclusion that "organic" is a bit of a moving target, I reckon "as near as dammit organic" is about what we'll achieve at best - lol

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so the only real organic is seeds naturally germinated grown outdoors with no help from us-otherwise,strictly speaking, it wouldn't be 'organic'

FB :wassnnme:

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Depends on what you mean by organic.

I grow my own fruit and vegetables.

I can tell you what I want and don’t want. I don’t want any chemical fertiliser/pesticide/fungicide residuals either in or on the produce I am going to consume. That is me as an immediate consumer.

With that come some ethics, so neither do I want any chemical fertiliser/pesticide/fungicide residuals in the soil I grow in.

The cycle of growth and decay have both created and increased the fertility of the soil over thousands of years. Up until about a hundred years ago human kind worked with nature and enhanced this increase in natural fertility. Soil is a living thing, a teaspoon full has millions of micro fauna living in it, they all have a part in constantly recycling the nutrients so they can be used again and again.

So called modern farming using industrial chemicals is a short term method of using top soil as a medium to carry chemical fertilisers, these are not held by the soil and also kill the micro fauna. Because they are mainly soluble salts, they pollute not just the soil but are carried into the water table, our streams, rivers, sea. They cause algal bloom mutate plankton, fish are killing the corals, the damage goes on and on.

So on my little patch of land I just use things that are organically based ie have been part of or derived by the carbon cycle.

I do the same thing indoors growing my cannabis. As far as I’m concerned my buds are as organic as any vegetable with soil association approval. The buds contain and are grown with nothing that is not naturally derived. I even recycle my spent compost and till it into my garden soil it grows my vegetables. My plant remains are composted and recycled to grow more plants as well.

But if it was legal to grow cannabis I couldn't get soil association approval as they don’t approve of growing any crops under artificial lighting as its not environmentally friendly, re:- it produces many times the Co2 to make the electricity than the plants grown absorb.

So the soil association take their ethics further than I do. I do wonder about the fact that I see their stamp on chill fresh green beans from Nigeria in the super market in mid summer, it makes me think of the plastic tray and wrapper, all the refrigeration, the Co2 all this costs and more to the point the fuel and Co2 produced in flight and lorry transport. I do wonder about their priorities. My french beans just need picking and me walking them down the garden path to the kitchen.

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Are you taking the piss FB?

A peasant mentality maybe!

Thats the third time in a few days someone has suggested I’m a dog or something closely related re:- Pratchetts concepts.

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Not taking the piss at all OT1. :soap:

I'm amazed at the depth of knowledge you have & glad you & others feel inclined to help us newbie's out. I'd have been stumped and would have probably made a great deal more mistakes than i think i have,without being able to come here and gain the information i sought. Unfortunately i was v worried about security so didn't sign up till recently. Still undecided whether or not to cut down my plant that appears ready. trichomes have just started turning milky,all fan leaves are now yellow. Rubbed ciggy paper and got a nice but v short high.

30% of pistils are brown and lots look like they are gonna end the day the same way.

Think she's coming down today. Will my loft,nice and dark and cool with good ventilation be ok for drying?

FB :yinyang:

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Slow drying is good, it make for a nicer sweeter smoke as long as the mould stays away. You need to look every day while it is wet. Do all your manicuring before you hang it. I dried all my bud in a loft in an airy attic for years without any problems, I used to prop the loft hatch up a little in the winter. If it was very cold I used to put a convector heater in the loft with the t/stat on low to keep the loft frost free.

I would wait until the pistils are about 70% brown if you can.

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