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Burton Reds Sweet Seeds Grow

Burton Red

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Evening.... Well been a bit busy today on and off. Had family round so I've had to snatch the odd hour here and there to move on finishing this grow set up.

Look's like one of the Wild Rose seedlings has bit the dust, unless the grow Gods do their work. I've noticed on 3 of the seedlings that the "shells" hadn't come off and were restricting the leaves from waving at the light so I've taken them off. The one that looks dead has no healthy colour to it and has shriveled, so I'm just going to leave it there for now and see what happens. If it dies, there will be more room for the others to spread there wings in the flower room when they go in :spliff:


What I've Done Today

Fitted a 4" fan, CF and support frame for the CF

post-33159-1252870587_thumb.jpg post-33159-1252870604_thumb.jpg

Added some ducting and ported it into the chimney (although I'm wondering if the air can escape, as I am getting blow back from gaps around ducting/chimney)


Group Shot... (Dead Wild Rose in front left of pic)

post-33159-1252871047_thumb.jpg and healthy Wild Rosepost-33159-1252871224_thumb.jpg

Laters .... Burton


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Guest mygreenmojo

Wasup Red..

I'm impressed with the work u put in for ur room. It looks sound as m8. Fair play 2 ya. Ur girls will be proper happy in there. Have a great gro, peace.

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looks like the veg cab is allmost there in and outs sorted just need some air movement in there now! small clip fan will do the job

cool beans

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Well not much to shout about at the minute :ninja: Just the usual watering of the seedlings and keeping an eye on temperatures. I've put in a desktop fan to blow around and I have altered the lights to come on at 4pm and off at 10am so I can do the honors a little sooner in the day. I've just about finished the main grow cab now but I've hit a problem :( . The last grow I did, I vented out of the loft via a hole in the chimney using a 4" fan. Thought I was on to a winner with it again this time but it turns out that the chimney is sealed.

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The flue from the fire connects directly to the chimney pot so I'm guessing that any exhaust I had just hung around in there and gradually found it's way through the brickwork.

Got a mate with a big ladder lending it to me this weekend with a bit of luck to see if I can sort this problem out. I was hoping to vent the 8" into the chimney, but at the moment, I reckon this is a no no lol:ninja:

any way, pics of the babies so far.


post-33159-1253203011_thumb.jpg post-33159-1253203041_thumb.jpg

Till next time...


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Well I posted here for a bit of help with the chimney problem. Lucky enough to say that it's a "twin" chimney and I'll be able to use it for venting :wink:

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Not much in the line of updates at the moment. Been giving them water every day and doing the odd bit to the flower cab so it's nearly ready for them in a few weeks. There'll be a 600W waiting for them and a scrog screen when I've made it. Still got to knock the hole in the chimney for the venting, but I'm still waiting for the "right" moment, ie when every one is out .

Temps in the veg cab are around 25C at the moment with lights on and I'm thinking of putting the prop on during lights off as temps are dropping down to 15C ish with lights out. At least it will take the chill off them. Just a few pics for ya... ( some are of the same plant and the Wild Rose pics came out crap so they'll be next time ):headpain:

Flash Back#2 post-33159-1253720756_thumb.jpg post-33159-1253720768_thumb.jpg

Cream Caramel post-33159-1253720677_thumb.jpg post-33159-1253720719_thumb.jpg

post-33159-1253720691_thumb.jpg post-33159-1253720738_thumb.jpg

More updates as and when...


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Well... not much happening at the moment. Broke through the stack in chimney :innocent:

post-33159-1254156483_thumb.jpg post-33159-1254156499_thumb.jpg

and the latest pics from today.

The surviving Wild Rosepost-33159-1254156945_thumb.jpg

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