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Seeds in London

Mr Bucket

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I will be in London for the day next month. I wanted to hopefully pick up a selection of seeds while I'm there. Can anyone recommend any seedshops, hopefully in London city centre or a quick underground journey away. I'm hoping to get a few different nirvana strains and maybe some DP blueberry.

I thought gypsy nirvana was in London, but looking at their site it seems to be situated quite far out of london.

Can anyone tell me an alternative shop or how long / hard it is to get to gypsy from central london

Many Thanks


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Mr B,

Drop me an email quick as you can.

I may nip down to Gypsy (Kingston) Tuesday cos I want some Bubblegum seeds and Hemp Playboy tells me I can get them there.

If you just want seeds as opposed to 'having a look around' let me know what you are after, maybe I can get them for you. I live west of London but I go into London most weeks and would be happy to bump into you somewhere and drop of the goods 'nudge nudge, wink wink'.

Let me know if I can help mate.

Steve The Weed


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Thats a very kind offer Steve, but I wouldn't impose on your good nature like that. Another problem is I'm going to be with a work chum, and I don't tell many people in work that I smoke. I'll have a think about how I can work it  :confused:

How long does it take to get to gypsy on public transport from say piccadilly circus?

Alternatively, Is the UK420 seedbank up and running? anyone have a stock list / prices? How is payment done. Are any records of transactions or addresses stored?

Thanks Steve for the very generous offer :dj:


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No probs Mr B, feel free to let me know if I can help though.

I have only ever driven through Kingston, can't quite picture where it is. I have an A-Z in the car and can have a look and see where nearest station is - Kingston must have one but not sure how it connects to the LOndon Underground network.

I'm may have to change my day now as I'm not due in London tomorrow, going to be Wednesday or Thursday. If you get stuck mail me.

Steve The Weed


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ah lahhhhndon's me manor.

Nooooooooooo - don't get the bus - it will take several hours to get to Kingston from the centre of town - it's a train journey there and back - best bet is to get a fast train out and back - might do it in a couple of stops then...

I'll check for you...


Trains from London Waterloo to Kingston upon Thames station or Surbiton station run regularly (at least every 15 minutes). The train journey takes 24 minutes.

check here

sw trains

Waterloo is sarrrfff of the river - so you can tube it there. Northern Line (charing x branch), Bakerloo and Jubilee - in fact here's a map of your connections.

tube connections to kingston.

If it was me - I'd get my seeds from him - the suppliers in SoHo are a bit dodgy in a seedy (no pun intended) unpleasant - marijuana is a drug type of way - the same way they handle the sex industry there.

£30 for a beer to look at a grizzly old heifer with bruises up her legs...

Anyway - that should certainly aid your decision making process...


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Hi Mr B,

You still have a 10 minute walk from Kingston rail station to Gypsy Nirvana (if you don't get lost like I did :blush: )

Give them a call and get some good directions first.



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Cheers spacecadet..I was just looking at autoroute. It looks like surbiton RW station is slightly closer..I must admit i'm tempted just to mailorder. After reading the credit card thread, my nerves are eased slightly :D


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Hey Mr B there is the Seed bank Co at Fullam >>


But compared to Gypsy they cost more!  Also Gypsy has a lot more in his range. The best route is Waterloo to Surbiton even for me it only takes 7 or 8 mins to walk to his shop. I can do the round trip from Waterloo and back in an 1.5 hrs including having a short natter.  You can always give them a ring and check they have what you want in stock 020-8286-9899 they are nice people to do biz with.

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Glad you're getting sorted Mr B.

Hey HP!! Tell me more about the old heifer with bruises, rings a bell from somewhere.

Steve The Weed


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I met her shortly after shovelling £1 coins into a slot - thus enabling a... a... let's face it - it's a mechanical letterbox!

Thus enabling a mechanical letterbox to open onto a drab and claustrophobic space...

There lurking in the shadows was a scrawny looking woman with the skin of an oven-ready chicken. She was eating sweets (wine gums) between 'shifts' - lending the scene a melancholic... and immature form of poetry.

She walked awkwardly towards me in her gold lamé shoes and bikini bottoms after flicking the switch on a small portable cassette recorder. The music could not be categorised - Sale of the Century - incidental music - was the closest I could approximate.

In front of me she began to rub her hands over her mostly naked body. I noticed the tiny hairs on her arm were erect - meaning she was probably cold - but her nipples were dead to the world. I guess they just didn't register surprise anymore.

"Put in another two pound" she said aggressively

I ignored her.

"Put in another two pound, if you want a sexy show!!" she ordered.

"Put in the money. Ya bass-tard!" - came from the booth next door.

It was my friend.

The one who'd insisted I'd come with him. An excited Geordie, happy to be living in the big smoke now. This was his patch. Here he was king and these were his subjects.

I sighed and rolled in two more pound coins which she shovelled greedily into a tuppaware box - I presume they were hers to keep.

She whipped of her bikini bottoms - like a waiter removes a tablecloth - with all the table furniture intact. "whoooff"

She parked-up one leg on the bench below the letterbox and spread what her 'mamma gave her'. Pointing it tirelessly at the small letterbox where I presume she could only see my eyes glinting/cringing in the semi-darkness.

As she was rubbing her box furiously - punishing it, perhaps. I noticed two things.. when the letterboxes all began to lower at this critical moment. Accompanied by my friend's loud lament to whoever would listen.

"Awww c'mon man!!! that's barely a minute!"


It was the driest looking pussy I had ever seen... and secondly. Most of her pubic hair was missing. I don't mean she shaved it off - it was more a kind of pubic-alapoecia.

It was patchy because, I suppose - she spent the greater part of her working week rubbing it. Something which most women did not.

That image stuck with me as we exited the dank smelling corridors and out into the busy London streets. That image and a thought.

Exactly how many pound coins had she traded in for her now patchy-profile...?

I certainly hoped it was worth it...

(excerpt from Hemp Playboy: The Early Years courtesy  of - the Green Press)

:devil:  :rude:  :devil:

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Oh HP - that reminds me so much......

A few years ago I was skint, I mean really skint. A mate of mine used to buy 'Fiesta', the porn mag.

I have written short stories before but theres not much money in it and I needed some dosh real quick. He gave me a few mags one day and reading them I thought 'I could write this stuff'.

I wrote a story - not for telling here (one day maybe you'll learn why) and sent it off. I got paid mate, well!! Theres a twist to this but reading your thread brought it all back.

Maybe, now I'm unemployed, I should knock up a few more!!! Look good in the local paper if I ever got busted "Drug growing, pornograpic author" - oh heck!!

Still think I know this woman though.

Steve The Weed

:mad:  :mad:

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