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Scientifically Proven (apparently)


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haha, i wonder if coca cola knows that the jolly guy on the back of the trucks who winks at the kids in the christmas time ad is actually a shaman tripping out of his skull on natures best fungus?


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haha, i wonder if coca cola knows that the jolly guy on the back of the trucks who winks at the kids in the christmas time ad is actually a shaman tripping out of his skull on natures best fungus?


considering they used to use cocaine as an ingredient, and never changed their name when it became illegal... i don't think they really care. lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting thread. I always thought - stressing the plants in the final days was good for thc - no light, little water, twisting stems etc but too much too soon could make them go hermie.

Hi Old timer Why do the seeds need additional protection from the thc from short wave radiation? Where would the short wave radiation be coming from?

I read nobody really knows why the plant produces thc. It does'nt kill insects or protect the plant or make it more edible - apart to human stoners. it kind of stops the seed getting distributed away from the mother plant - which is what other plants do but humans have sort of tweaked it to be the way it is.

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eski high potency cannabis only developed and occurs naturally in areas of high intensity light containing uv. The higher the uv the more complex the thc becomes. Thc is one of the best sunscreens produced in the natural world.

The assumption is that thc protects the developing seed embryo against damage and mutagenic effects of high intensity wide spectrum uv.

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thanks oldtimer. yeah I read at higher temps produces more resin to prevent seed water loss and also the theory about uv protection was mentioned but they never said it was such a good sunscreen. Makes sense but I still find it odd. I imagine other plants grow in similar environments and they don't have produce resins. It seems more of a hindrance to the plant than a benefit. I'm off to smoke some factor 9 resin and bake my brain.

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  • 1 month later...

Biology Dictionary Definition of a trichome:

trichomes - Extensions from the epidermis of the plant that provide shade and protection for the plant.

Thats from this wicked online biology book I've found got everything in depth details of all the stuff they missed out in GCSE,

that means in my head that if you give the plant a bit too much light, wind and a bit of concern over its wellbeing, it will produce more trichomes,

If anything give it 2 or 3 days solid light at the end, I don't know

anybody gonna back me up on this, oldtimer??

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what about giving it a high level of uv in the last week of flowering then, would this force the plant to produce more complex head fucking amounts of thc.

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feckit im just gonna threaten mine w/ scissors, give it a slap here & there :ouch: starve it(occasionally), lockit in a dark cupboard & deprive it of sex.......

oh i already do :(

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I find that my cat wont eat parts of the flower with resin on. i understand that birds dont eat the seeds if the seeds are still in their little cover with resin on, but they love the seeds without resin.

i also have a theory, that the resin is precisely to attract people. in exactly the same way as flowers use nectar to attract insects, inorder to spread pollen, i think weed exudes resin, to attract people, inorder to spread its genetics around the world. and its worked.

im sold. lol

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Guest BushBandicoot

Haha, I'd forgotten about this thread 'til came upon it this evening again. Fantastic reading from start to finish and another reason why 420's the one for me. From increased darkness/increased potency, to hallucinating animals and their potent urine, to santa clause, to a drug-fuelled coca cola drinking shaman (dressed-up as santa clause) and back again to light levels/darkness/trichomes - uk420 always sees it through...... :blushing::yinyang: Maybe it's just me..... :unsure::med:

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On a trip to Amsterdam I overheard one of the workers at the cannabis museum talking about light deprivation whilst flowering.She said that cutting out the lights can increase yields by a third..

Surely they know their stuff??!!...

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The UV degrades the THC thats why you hang it up in dark. I would have thought that the dark would just help as it will stop the breaking down of THC in the resin. this is all just an opinion though.

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