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Bb's Diy Odour Neutraliser


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easy all,

you may remember a DIY vapouriser thread i posted a while back, which was taken from soft secrets....yet again, that fantastic magazine ran another DIY project which i am sure will benefit all growers out there, as the title suggests, its a DIY carbon filter thingy.

as i have taken the pics from the magazine, i would like to make it ABUNDENTLY clear that i am NOT passing this off as my own work, as the original article was produced by BUNZ...i for one, do not have the brain capacity to think of such ingenious gadgets.....christ, i forget how to.............sometimes.

so.....as me da would say, 'lets get down to the nitty gritty'....you will need

1 - Either a PC fan, or a normal rotating/oscillating fan

2 - Air freshner like febreeze, or ona, or whatever wilkos has got on offer

3 - hydrogel/polymer crystals.

4 - 10/20 litre bucket with fitting lid.

okely dokely, first up, you will need to cut a hole in the lid large enough to fit your fan, and secure it properly to the bucket. check the pic below o see how its mounted. now, you need to cut/drill large holes all the way around the bucket, about 2 inch below the lid.

now, take 9 cups of council pop (water) and add 1 cup of febreeze (or whatever) and add half a cup of the polymer crystals, mix it, no bob marley it (stir it up)...and voila!....if you switch it on, within 5 minutes, your room should smell like nicer than a tarts hankercheif!

this unit can be used stand alone, or mount your air outake to the lid, and save buying PC fan. i havent yet trialled this yet, but i hope to soon.

the only real maintenance needed is topping up the water and crystals every now and then, generally every 4 weeks.

anyways, just doin my bit to put back what i have taken from 420....christ, i am even seriously considering a tattoo of 420.....or a leaf.....one of the 2 to go with the many others i have.....'HEIL BOO-DAH!'

this pic shows all the eqipment, bucket, crystals, fan, and air fresh.




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and a pic of the fan mounted to the lid....

i am sur there are many variations of this, i just thought it may interest at least one of you, oh gawd let it help someone......




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Can I ask what the #3 thingys - (hydrogel/polymer crystals) do?


damn you altitude,

i was hoping no one would ask, cos tbh, i dont bloody know! i have been, and currently am, searching for stockists of said product....so as soon as i know, i will post em up...failing that i will ask the chap in my local hydro at the weekend....



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easy all,

saldo - so good to see you again bro, and i sincerely hope you shall be gracing us with your prescence at the meet next year...i owe you a bifta or 2! im a REALLY big fan of soft secrets, not only is it free, but it is packed with loads of helpful info, funny comic strips, pictures, projects....i regularly get weed world, soft secrets & now freeweed (cheers joolz) and i have to say imho soft secrets is the best!

J'sbud - thanks for the link.....and welcome to uk420 buddy!

SR - top job sir! good job yourself and J'sbud are on the ball.....thankyou for the link too!...hope your gonna get your ass to the meet too.....another 420'er i know i would enjoy the company off!

im going to try and build this gadget very soon, and i shall post a report on it as well. if, however, any other enthusiastic blue peter'ers beat me to it, please feel free to post a report on it here.

take it easy.




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  • 9 months later...
:yinyang: try your local diy store/garden centre your looking for water retaining cyrstals just buy the cheapest is my opinion (but im a well known tight arse)
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