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How Many Plants Will Keep Me Happy?

Dragon Boy

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I have been told here that 10 plants is quite a few "for personal use" How many plants would I need for herbal (maybe even buds if I am lucky) to keep me stoned on weekends, a few smokes in the week.

Would 3 female plants suffice on a windowsill in the winter (Super Skunk) and 3 outdoors in the summer?

I hope to have a mother plant to keep cuttings going when needed and to give to a friend who has Crohns.

Yes it is for my arthritis but I like to get stoned as well!

Stupid question, do the herbal clippings from prunings contain enough THC to get a good buzz?

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erm only ull know how much ull need to smoke i have done at most 18 plants and staggered the harvest lasted me a while but this time i have stuck in 10 nl/bb/afghani in but ull not get any decent sun in winter to supply ur plants with enough light for any kind of decent bud feck knows depends on where u live really if ur in a hot country then ur sorted ;) but if ur uk then winter is no use unless u have a hps lamp for indoors or some sort of alternative light scource and if u take cuttings of sa mother plant and the mother is of good quality then ur cutings will be a replica of the mother so the clones will smoke the same i think hope ive helped

peace pd666

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I'm in the UK...I had a look yesterday on the FAQ...forget my friend with crohns let her grow her own I did some thinking after reading the FAQ tell nobody what you are growing!!!

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Very wise matey :puke:

Nothing wrong with sorting some out for people who need it - as long as they don't know where its come from.

10 plants is not too excessive (unless you grow them to 6 foot or so). How many plants you are going to need is going to depend on how big you grow them, what kind of system you are going to use ect.

For example, I currently have 18 plants under 1 light, but I only grow them to about 1.5 ft tall, on an NFT table, using the sea of green method. I am looking at about an ounce a plant off my current crop, although I expect to increase this considerably next time due to using pruning techniques.

You get different yields from different grow methods and lighting setups. What kind of system are you thinking of using? How much light are they going to get?

What strain are you thinking of growing? How much space do you have for your grow area?

All of these things have an effect on the yield, and the space required.

Have a think about how much bud you want per 3 month cycle to keep you happy, and we should be able to point you in the right direction for a setup that will meet your needs :puke:

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