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Just Harvested, Drying....


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right I harvested my bud on wednesday afternoon, its now the nxt monday afternoon. Iv just put some of the smaller buds in glass jars. They're very dry already. Im wanting to start smoking my weed this friday, so it'l only have had 1 + abit weeks drying. Its very dry tho. Iv already smoked some and its pretty good!


i know im not drying it for long, but its seeded anyway so i just wana get the thing smoked. once again, its very dry even tho its only been drying a week.

is this too short a time? Will it get alot better if i leave it slightly longer?



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  Iv already smoked some and its pretty good!

Is that your seeded draw ? Becuase I had some and been constantly picking of mini bud sites of a huge (and last before rest got stolen) kola. All I can say is dry it for a week and jar it for another week. because after 5 days, you realise that it gets stronger and stronger every day. That stuff can go form disapointing to head fuck in no time if you don't get greedy. All the best :)


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smaller buds sometimes only take a few days before theyre bone dry. air circulation is important too. take the stem and press it between your fingers and it should crunch a little bit. if its dry in a few days then lucky you lol

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iv had the smaller ones in jars the last couple days, and today i put in the bone dry larger buds. I noticed that the smaller buds had got softer, but there was no condesation on the jar. how did they get wetter?


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probs moisture from the stems :bangin:

my last harvest dryed in less than a week (and was all gone in two) :wassnnme:

if they are dry enough for the jars, they are dry enough to smoke imo

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Alright guys ;)

I think its all about personel preference yes its a better taste the longer you leave it but if youve been waiting a while for a smoke its hard to resist

I smoke mine straight with no backy and i think for me its better to leave it have a nice long cure as ive just found this out with my last batch although the taste was pallettable it was a bit harsh on the old chest and throat the next day

Also i think strain as a lot to do with it

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As far as my own experiences go, I think I have around 5 + ounces ( no scales worth a monkeys ass - kitchen ones are less than accurate... :soap: ) I fast dried a few doobies worth once my grow was complete and it was rough as a badgers arse and an okay high. The next lot to get smoked had been slow drying in the attic for about 2 weeks and still a bit rough but the high was noticably better.

My current smoke stash, has been dried in the attic for over 6 weeks, paper bagged for 1 - 2 weeks and glass jarred for over a month and counting. I still have stuff slow dring in the attic, mainly because I'm running out of glass jars.

By god the smell of it is unbelievable, so so so so strong.

As with all first time growers ( I would imagine anyways ) I was a bit worried about how my grow would compare to commercial weed or other homegrown. So I gave some to my mate and some to nephew. My mate was gob smacked. He shared what I gave hime with a few other mates and his regular soap dispenser :smoke: all of them said it was Grade A number 1 stuff, rated up there with the best of them. My nephew - who has tried all known chem and highs was also impressed - he would have phoned but was too stoned...

High praise indeed. Goes to show you what a few weeks of curing can do.

One thing I would like to know is this:

We all know soap is shite and bad. I could smoke doobie after doobie of that shite, but my homegrown....I can only smoke HALF a doobie and I'm fubar'd. So now I smoke a doobie ever 2 days sometimes 1 a day If I'm not working and have nothing to do for say....5 hours before my head clears...lol

Am I the only one...?


Edited by Nagual
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  • 2 weeks later...

oh yeah

i got through a quarter of soap in two days and didn't feel almost anything. but out gear blasted me for half a day

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

god i smoke 7 to 8 gramms ia night dont smoke in the day 7 at night i start and 8 joints do me fine i use 7 king size papers per joint and loving it second time grower awaiting my 6 white rhino and one white widow all fems just two weeks to harvest :ouch::ninja: im wonderung wat imight get in ounces any idea there 4ft ta 5ft tall and looking good thanks dudes

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haha wow man, you smoke ALOT more than anyone i know, all i need is a few puffs here and there of the white widow and im stooooonnned!

Btw, my question in this thread is...how dry should i allow it to hang and air dry before putting it into jars? Should i allow my bud to get crispy dry? Slightly dry, dry but soft to the touch? Any reccomendations?


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When you bend the stem it should snap. once you get to this point chuck it in jars, open the jars every day to expel the moist air and re-seal. You should notice the bud changing flavour as it cures in the jars. You can change the flavour over a period of 4 months or longer. If your growing the same strain next time round make a note of when you liked the smoke the most and you will know for next time round. Make sure to air the jars daily otherwise it may start to rot.

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