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Rabbit Shit!


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Alright Peeps!

I am growing some Afghaan in soil in pots using John Innes No3 soil.

I have read somewhere that rabbit poop can be used on your plants!

Does anyone know about using this?

My mum told me that my grandad use to put a load of rabbit shit in a

bucket with some water and leave it soak for a while then water the plants

with it!

Why i ask is i have a rabbit which produces about a ton of shit a day ;)

so i have plenty to mess around with! :ouch:

Thanks for any advice

Hydro :offtopic:

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If I remember right, rabbits eat their own shit 2 or 3 times. Each time they extract more from it. If thats true and not something I dreamt about :( then sometimes your rabbits shit would be more nutritous than other times.

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Cheers Guys

Your right Shug rabbits do eat there own shit! It makes me heave when i see

him munching on his own dump,He pulls a face like" mmmm that was lovely" lol

Thanks again

Hydro lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

:bunny: The rabbit will eat their own droppings for 2 reasons, Firstly to further digest the plant matter and extract the water contained with in as the first passing is usually very wet & the content of the pellet still has lots of digested plant matter, the process is pretty much the same as a cow, a cow has 2 stomachs and one pre-digests by turning the plant matter into a soup and the second then extracts the nutrients and the then it passes through the colon to have the excess water removed.

both animals dont extract all nutrients, they still contain a fair & reasonable amount of nutrients & are quite useable. Much like Human fieces, this is also full of nutrients, but it depends much on your diet, the more meat you eat, the more poisoness it is to the surrounding environment. This sound gross but, traditionally pig farmers had their out-houses (toilet) with its disposal straight into the pig field, to a pig, human crap is quite edible :puke: and they will often fight over human crap to eat it...! Pig shit has some nutrients in it but not recomended as its more smelly than practical. :ouch:

Horses.... need i say more.

Never tried Lion before, but if you have a cat problem, a few nuggets of lion shit will keep most cats for 1,000 yards at bay.

:!: a dog on the other hand is one of several animals that do not pass anything of use, they extract all nutrients and the resulting content of which we all know can be harmful has no nutrients left to be any use... except for poping into a paper bag, dumping on some poor gits doorsetp and light the bag, knock door and retire to safe distance...(if your lucky, the poor victim will stamp the bag thats alight out)

So depending on your shit, depends on what you want to grow, shit wise.


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This sound gross but, traditionally pig farmers had their out-houses (toilet) with its disposal straight into the pig field, to a pig, human crap is quite edible :smoke: and they will often fight over human crap to eat it...!

Which is why tapeworm used to be so prevalent. Humans got it eating the pork, pigs got it back eating our :)

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