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Hi all,

I have been lurking here for a while, but now have decided to start growing.

I have a small grow room (It's actually an en-suite shower room) in which I hope to produce some smokable buds by Xmas. I have been partaking on and off for the last 18 years, but only recently have I been introduced to green, (gotta love those Brummie hookers), relying on hash of varying qualiteis (mostly crap). However my source seems to have dried up :hug: .

I have started to sprout a combination of White Widow (6) and Northern Lights (4) hoping for at least 1-3 females from the lot. I have ordered 2 125 watt envirolites 1 red and 1 blue and a reflector to keep them in. Hopefully the post office will manage to get them to me before too much longer.

I have the lot in a propagator each seed in separate 3" pots, with a 50:50 mix of vermiculite and John Innes No. 1. So far 1 WW has produced what looks like a root, but they have only been in for 3 days.

My grow 'area' is ~70 x 70 cm x however tall my ceilings are and surrounded on three side by white ceramic tiles. I have two questions. 1) Will I have enough light? 2) What fertilizers will I need to produce a half decent yeild? I was thinking of using more John Innes (No. 2 or 3) for potting on, but if there is a better alternative please let me know.

This is purely for my own consumption, so I presume I don't need a commercial grade setup.



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Hi & Welcome glad you came out from the dark :wassnnme:

Jhon innes is fine m8 as for feed all depends how your growing i grow organic and use biobizz products and i thinktony.gif there........... Great but i havent used anything else so these are all i can comment on

Good luck on your grow :ouch:

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tO Uk420

is the shower room in use??? you may need an powerful fan because of high humidity :stoned:


Edited by BushDoctoR
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