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Whats the differance between organic and hydrophonics when it comes to getting stoned. Whats the differance in yield. whats the differance in all aspects

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Whats the differance between organic and hydrophonics when it comes to getting stoned.

Organical cannabis will get you really shitfaced without the help of any man made chemical additives.

'Hydrophonic' cannabis just sounds good :smoke:



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organic : longer grow time, no chems, better tasting some say more potent, piss easy

hydro : bigger yield, shorter grow times, harder (in gerneral), chems, crap taste and well potency can go amist.


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you can probably answer it for yourself - what would you prefer? - typical hydro grown supermarket tomatoes - bullet hard, tough skins, no flavour - a bag of chemicalised water with virtually no nutrients.........or a slightly smaller, thin-skinned organically grown one, bursting with flavour and goodness! (that may have taken a day or two longer to grow) ;) I have yet to understand the motive for hydro growing, unless it is to satisfy people's craving for mechanical gubbins with which they can tinker! imho that is the real reason some people go for it (and the pressure from growshops - going hydro will probably double the outlay of someone setting up) - very attractive for the tank/pump,ec meter vendors! :smoke:

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very attractive for the tank/pump,ec meter vendors!

Hydro is a conspiracy to sell you more equipment. Don't fall into the "Hydro" Hole..

Stick with organic Soil growing.

hehe :smoke:

It does make sence. You walk into a grow shop. There is a small amount of things they can sell you for organic growing, but hydro, there is a shit load they can sell you...

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let me correct the view on hydro a bit : peeps use hydro for the following reasons :

1. Faster grow time : good for COMMERCIAL growing

2. bigger yield : good for COMMERCIAL growing

3. sounds more impressive does perceived illusion that quality and potency is higher too : good for COMMERCIAL growing

4. it's hydro ! :good for COMMERCIAL growing

If i forgot sumit feel free to correct. If your a deaer or impatient and easily convinced hydro is for you. If you want da best and willingto wait a bit soil is for you.


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The faster rate of growth arguament for hydro is imo misleading in that your plants will take the same time to flower whether in hydro or soil, if you time your grows so you always have some ready to go into flower as soon as the current crop is harvested, then i see no benefit to a faster vegetive growth rate.

I also keep hearing mention of better yields for hydro, i'm not convinced about this and haven't seen any evidence to support it.

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Don't blame me i'm doing soil. i also forgot hydro is clean ie no soil. As or yield/speed/potency I have no way of ocnfirming that.


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putting serious hat on for a mo! (not for long) - I'd call it "circumciser's syndrome" - best explained by a Jewish joke (told me by a Jewish friend) - chap sees splendid clock in shop window, just what he wants for his wife's birthday - everywhere else is shut - he rushes in and offers to buy the clock - the little Jewish chap quite firmly refused....."but why? - aren't you a clock shop" - "no" - "well why is it in the window then?" - "I circumcise the infants at the synagogue - what do you suggest I put in the window?"

When people wanted to sell growstuff, they had to put something "respectable" in the window to fend off plod - hence hydroponics (there are I believe some sad people who grow indoor tomatoes in hydro) - hence the pressure to sell the stuff! The plain fact is that hydro crops of any sort grow fast and big (hence big profits), to the detriment of flavour and goodness - its economically expedient when supplying to people with no tastebuds who want cheap at any price!!!!! Hydro is not the route to take for quality anything, except profits for those who sell the equipment, and substandard produce to the punters! lol

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For what it's worth (wich is probably about 1/4 pence) I might as well throw my opinion in here (even tho I just know your all going to slaughter me for it) I started out growing in soil using Bio Bizz All Mix ( top stuff excellent results) but found that it was just too damn expensive, can't remember exact price but it's something like £20 per 50 litre sack wich, once it's in pots and tamped down a touch only actually gives arouind 30 litres therefore to grow 10 plants in 10 litre pots it was costing me around £60 per grow plus £20 postage (from growell) £80 just for soil! Then there was all the hassle of lugging sacks of soil up into my loft, disposing of the used soil at the end of the grow etc etc. Then I started using cheaper substitutes but at a huge loss of yield and quality, eventually I ended up trying to put together my own soil mix, 8 weeks later I yielded 2 oz from 10 plants lol

Switched to hydro for present grow using 424 (or whateve it's called) tank, no soil to lug about, the only regular outlay seems to be for fert's and lamps and I've now got the healthiest (apart from them damn spider mite) set of plants I've grown. Having said that I can't yet comment on quality as I've yet to sample (only 3 weeks into flower)

So all in all TBH I think it's just a matter of what works best for the individual. I've now got 9 SAGE on the go and at this stage they're looking like they're going to produce a very decent yield but, again, I'll have to reserve judgement until the grow is finished.

INCOMING!!!!!!!! lol

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Butty its your own choice how you grow.

But a couple of points. Allmix costs between £12 and £13 per bag.

Before you use allmix, first you need shake the bag up like puffing up a pillow, because it will be very compressed as its stacked 60 bags at a time on pallets for transit/storage.

Once you have air back in it, you poor it into the pot to the fill line. Apart from shiggle/tapping the pot lightly on the ground to settle and level it, thats all you do. Even lightly lightly pressing it with your fingers will completely mess up the crumb structure, you can half its volume doing that. The compost is designed to have a light very open fluffy structure that holds lots of air. Even the first few waterings should be done very lightly using a fine rose to damp but not saturate, so the open structure is maintained until such time as the roots grow through the whole ball and lock the crumb structure.

If there was not enough compost to fill a 50 litre volume it was not fluffed up enough, usually there is a little over. This applies to all modern universal composts but even more so for allmix.

Allmix compressed will give very inferior results yield wise, it could lead to all sorts of nutrient deficiencies cause by anaerobic root conditions causing uneven nutrient uptake and ph swings.

It surprises me at times that cannabis survives and crops in spite of the the things it is subjected to by its loving owners.

Good luck with your hydro I hope it does better for you.

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I'm just crap at growing in soil mate, I am to growing what Schwarzeneger is to Shakespeare. I need a set of A: B: C:'s to follow.

Respect to those that can grow in soil but for me it where a complete mystery


yup I should have checked out the price on growell.. I think where I got the £ 20 from was, it was around £ 20 per bag by the time postage was added in but, I was finding that even sprinkled in loosely as you describe, as soon as I watered it would compress right down of it's own accord? lol I dunno....maybe I was putting too much water in at I time but I allways ended up having to top the pots back up to 10 litres to cover the roots that had become exposed when the soil compressed?

Like I say I'm not exactly Percy Thrower.....or that other git that does all the gardening programs these days :puke:

Edited by Butty
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