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optimum tempreture and light levels


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sorry if this is regularly asked but what are the optimum tempreture and light level for a grow room? also how many air changes per hour/minute? initally looking at soil growing,are they diffrent for diffrent systems?

im in the design stages of my grow space and being a typcal engineer i want to calculate everything to the nearest mile

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optimum temp is bettween 26c-28c, above 30c will slow growth, above 40 will damage plant.

humidity is fine anywhere bettween 40%-60%

they say you should have 50w of light per square foot, but i think thats only aimed at HPS and its not very accurate

you should change the air once every 3 minutes (20 per hour)

to work out the volume of air in your grow room multiply the growroom dimentions (in metres)

to work out the minimum fan size multiply the the volume of air in your growroom by the number of air changes needed per hour

example: (1.65m[h] x 1.96m[w] x 1.2m[d]) x 20 = 77m3/hr


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cheers BushDoctoR,time to the brain in gear :headpain: sevral places recomend 2500 lumens per foot for the light level,that gives around 1.2kw for an 8 x 3x3room :blub: ,or 2.5kw using 50w/foot :blub::blub:

Edited by Themadhippy
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  • 8 months later...

Ive just come across this thread and it answers most of my questions, what's the MINIMUM temp to get away with - and is 50% humidity better than 40% or 60%, I know you say anywhere in between but does it matter?

Edited by KenAbyss
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optimum temp is bettween 26c-28c

sorry, i was wrong about that bit :smoke:

the optimum temp is thought to be 23c-26c

temps bettween 18c-28c are good i would say

the odd fluctuation will be fine

plants will grow fine (a little slower tho) with temps upto about 34c, but if your temp is stuck up there you need to sort it out


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below 15/16c slows growth

u want humidity as high as poss in veg stage 70% rh= produces good fem rations on a 18/6 light schedule

in flower u want your humidity below 50% to avoid mold-if u have dense/big buds u want it lower 30-40% is cool :tup:

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