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Just a note to say hi


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as the title suggests, just a quick note to say hi and introduce myself.

I'm detritus, I'm 27, male, a long time toker and just building up to start my first grow.

I'm posting quite a wopper of a post in the growroom planner section - I've done loads of research but would appreciate advice from anyone please! I've got a couple of weeks till I get my stuff but I'm still full of questions - so any tips/advice/help greatly appreciated.

I suffer from depression (my brain just doesn't produce the right neuro transmitters - I'm not psychologically depressed about anything) and have been getting treatment for 2 years now. I take a shit load of prescription medication three times a day to make up for what my brain doesn't produce - works quite well but has some nasty side effects - and I have found that the best antidote to these is weed! quite convenient as I've been a heavy toker for many years now and I only realised how bad the side effects were when I was left budless for two weeks! Since then I've taken the decision to grow my own so I don't have the stress of worrying where my next score is coming from or having the fear/anxiety hit of going and buying it from some dodgy area when my regular sources are dry!

The main side-effects I use it to counteract are : nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss/gain (depending on the exact combination of medications I'm on at the time), constant and horrible sweating, insomnia, irritability, anxiety to name just some! Please don't think I'm whinging though - just wondered if anyone else has any recommendations on whats worked for them for these - I also want nice weed though as pot smoking is my hobby aswell as medicinal of course!

anyway, grateful to anyone who has got any comments/wants to say hi etc.


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wotcher cock! - you're amongst friends - you'll find a really great bunch of people here who'll help you every step of the way. You'll find loads of people in the same boat as yourself - its quite amazing how well people can do when they're growing their own, and are often able to bung the chemical drugs somewhere more appropriate (down the loo!) ;)

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cheers mate. I've been looking for a good site for some time - most that I've tried have been rubbish but this looks really good - I've already picked up some tips from reading old posts but there's millions left to read - got any favourites?

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Hi there Detritus, you is in good hands on this site for friendly help with the growroom.Have you tried any alternative medicine for your depression?Conventional medicine in my view just treates the symptoms,very rarely the causes.By the way are you a Pratchett fan? Funney bloke Pratchett, one of my fav authors.

Onion :stoned:

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high detritus, welcome to the green side :stoned:

i also suffer from depression, but mine is brought on due to being in pain 24hrs, and a lack of seretonin.

umm this is something close to my heart and there are quite a few strains out there that say they are excellent fro depression, i havent been growing that long myself so i couldnt comment on wether they 'do what it says on the tin'

i will have dig and see what i can find, if you have a wander over to cannagenetics and put medical in the search box, it should give you a good idea of what is available ;)

please dont hesitate to post in the medical forum if you have more meidcal type questions

take care

hemlok lol

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Hi & Welcome Bud ;)

Im not a medi user myself as such but i can tell you the medi people on here are top drawer m8 they realy know there onions

Happy Gardening

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thanks guys.

Yeah, I am a big terry pratchett fan - read all his books and loved everyone. they are funny as you like and I would highly recommend themn to anyone - superb for sitting down with a good smoke and laughing your nuts off! :headpain:


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