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Hi,Will I get the nutritional benefits of seaweed used as a mulch if i'm watering

through it.I have rinsed it to remove salt.I know it's good to put in a composter

but not sure as a mulch.thanks

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Washed dried, ground and mixed in with soil it works really well as a slow release nutrient also plant hormones. It also works like water holding crystals.

As a mulch long term it is really good but will take years to break down, it is much faster dug in, the finer/smaller the pieces the more surface area there is for soil bacteria/fungi to work on breaking it down and in turn releasing nutrients.

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Cheers ot1,believe it or not I took the kitchen blender to a bucket full of

seaweed (half filled with water) till it was nice and fine and spread it around my plants.The liquid I was left with was a really rich and dark solution which

i've watered down to use for liquid feed.

Any idea of the nutrients and benefits of seaweed?


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Bet you were popular in the kitchen :(.

Seaweed has NPK slightly high on the K as well as every known macro/micro and trace elements plus loads of plant hormones. Its wonderful stuff it also feeds the soil fauna keeping the beneficial population in good health, helps build up humus levels, so long term it can improve soil big time.

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