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wassup hemp???


tO Uk420

firstly, im guessing you have read nothing on the subject

so give this a read

then go to the growroom planner and tell everyone where you will be growing and how much space you have, and we can take it from there lol

its probabbly best that you learn about growing BEFORE planting any seeds or buying equipment (dont make the same mistake i did) lol

hope this helps :wassnnme:


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sound advice bush

the guys in growroom planner will hep ya loads they guys are even better than blue peter at making things :wassnnme:

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welcome hemp,you've found the greatest marijuana GROWING site in the whole wide world,take care and good growing,regards twinkle :wassnnme:

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Just need some info on what resources you have . You can have between £0 and £1000 to make a start it just depends on how much as to which way you need to be going ,

How much space do you have , does it effect anyone else around you , what are you hoping to get from it all , self sufficiency or riches ( and or convictions )

The best approach i have seen from new growers are those who embark on growing as a new hobby , like homebrew rather than a way to earn a living .

Do you want quck results with little cost or are you patient enough to tend one plant for long enough for it to be a vaiable option . The best indoor systems i have seen are based around one flowering plant , cost £400 - £500 are based around wardrobes and yield enough weed to keep a well organised grower in smoke for life .

Any questions , hemp , we are all here to help achieve a common goal , bear in mind you may fail , but don't give up i haven't known any one fail twice .

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well im lookin for a not to exspencive but i am willing to pay. Also i am tired of havin flakey dealers and having shity ass bud. i want to grow for my use only. also i do have a problem with certain family members so i need it to be able to grow around them(if you know what i mean). is there anyway i could grow in my attic or would it be to hot?

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lofts are generally a pain in the bum for growing in! - basically, lack of insulation! - in summer they fry, and freeze in winter! If you're willing to make an insulated "room" in the loft it'd be great, but it is a lot of work! (if you've got the average loft, stick your head in it about 3pm any day this week - you'll see what I mean!)That's why there's a lot of "closet" growing going on - its within the reasonable temperature range we're willing to live in! Good luck mate


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Yeah I do have a tendancy to agree , in that attics are hard work even for the most experienced of growers , I started with insulated attic rooms and then moved on to wadrobes .

You say money is no object within reason , the systems i have recommended to friends have been based on wardrobes with 250w light systems , NFt troughs (the smallest ones) , 5"RVK fans used for intake , and small bathroom extractor fans to extract . As far as the light is concerned , buy a good quality one that will last , make sure you get both metal halide bulb and sodium bulb , both new (it makes a lot of difference) .

Use a power board and circuit breakers , be safe .

To say I have recomended that people have £500 to go shopping with may sound a lot but it pays dividends , these systems along with simple guides have produced in the region of 5 - 6 ounces first attempt easy out weighing the initial cost when compared to being ripped off by dodgy dealers over rough commercial weed .

When it comes to working round family and unexpected visitors , have some method of switching off quickly in place .Try to have your "system off" times at times when you are likely to have visitors , when vegging you have 18 hours on and 6 off , work 10pm on to 4pm off and when flowering work 10pm on to 10 am off this leaves your evenings free .


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